ecu tuning
As an "add-on" to the general discussion thread about slip-ons and ecu re-mapping/pc addition, thought I'd throw this into the equation.

Anyone had much to do with this?:

Teka SFI

Seems like a better alternative to the Yoshi box.
I've got cash to burn (yeah sure) and am looking at getting this, after which I just need to get me a

Are any of the dyno tuners in Australia using these for factory ECU tweaking?
Seems like a good investment, even just for "seat of the pants" adjustment.

Messages In This Thread
ecu tuning - by slowandsteady - 20-10-2007, 03:58pm
RE: ecu tuning - by Gnarbunkle99 - 20-10-2007, 04:25pm
RE: ecu tuning - by Maj - 20-10-2007, 07:36pm
RE: ecu tuning - by Pug - 21-10-2007, 08:22am
RE: ecu tuning - by TheShredder - 21-10-2007, 09:42am

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