17-10-2007, 07:20pm
Hiya DJ,
Long time no talk. I remember talking to you at the funeral when you had just had the tyre fitted. I've run a pilot race front and rear and was quiet impressed with it. I did, as Spam said run a low tyre pressure, 32 ish at the time i think. I found they heated up quite quickly considering. The only thing i didn't like about them was there tendency to break traction very quickly. Unlike the corsa's, the Pilot race when you grab a fist full out of a corner will drift/slide ok, but suddenly they will spin free with 0 traction. The corsa's, on the other hand, tend to hold a drift better. I think, and i could be wrong, that this comes down to the way in which the surface of the tyre heats through. From what i have heard and can figure out the corsa spread the heat and absorb it inward where as the Pilot race tend to spread but not absorb as much. There for the surface is sticky and as it scrubs in a drift it exposses cooler rubber whereas the corsa's as they scrub exposses consistent temp rubber. Hence the Pilots tend to spin then as you muscle the bike upright you find sticky again and they want to spit you off.
Like i said i could be way off base.
I'm more interested in hearing how they are in the wet for casual riding (eg your style) than how well you can fang on them.
let me know.
Long time no talk. I remember talking to you at the funeral when you had just had the tyre fitted. I've run a pilot race front and rear and was quiet impressed with it. I did, as Spam said run a low tyre pressure, 32 ish at the time i think. I found they heated up quite quickly considering. The only thing i didn't like about them was there tendency to break traction very quickly. Unlike the corsa's, the Pilot race when you grab a fist full out of a corner will drift/slide ok, but suddenly they will spin free with 0 traction. The corsa's, on the other hand, tend to hold a drift better. I think, and i could be wrong, that this comes down to the way in which the surface of the tyre heats through. From what i have heard and can figure out the corsa spread the heat and absorb it inward where as the Pilot race tend to spread but not absorb as much. There for the surface is sticky and as it scrubs in a drift it exposses cooler rubber whereas the corsa's as they scrub exposses consistent temp rubber. Hence the Pilots tend to spin then as you muscle the bike upright you find sticky again and they want to spit you off.
Like i said i could be way off base.
I'm more interested in hearing how they are in the wet for casual riding (eg your style) than how well you can fang on them.
let me know.