the clubs gone to the dogs
To Mad Max...'Breeze-By' boy offers sincere apologies...genuinely...put it down to one too many sherberts and a reaction to 'f*** off..We're full' (still have problems with that but have been told, and ACCEPT, that this ain't the venue)
Astro put me in my rightful place...the doghouse...and I will serve my time in regret...
My next hissy fit will be when the dealer tells me what my current Bus is worth as a trade on the 2008 model...
Sorry Embarassed
Clap "And they all lived happily ever after..."

Now, get out of that dog house Daniel and enough talk about regret and serving time. There's very few angels here and we've all been in there more than once - actually, if you look in the rear left corner you'll find something I hacked up last time I was in there. Oh.. no.. that was simmo. I just stepped in it. Coolsmiley

Welcome aboard Daniel. Pull up a stool and enjoy.

Group hug ! (Where's the group hug icon??? For that matter, where's the 'More smilies' button??)
daniel Wrote:To Mad Max...'Breeze-By' boy offers sincere apologies...genuinely...put it down to one too many sherberts and a reaction to 'f*** off..We're full' (still have problems with that but have been told, and ACCEPT, that this ain't the venue)
Astro put me in my rightful place...the doghouse...and I will serve my time in regret...
My next hissy fit will be when the dealer tells me what my current Bus is worth as a trade on the 2008 model...
Sorry Embarassed

Good onya Danny, good words, probably a little hard to say. As I said mate, you're welcome here +1 on what Astro said bloke.


Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
Takes a good man to apologise once you meet max you will be glad you cleared the air He is a top bloke
just give it 12 months then it will be ok to abuse him again Ghastly
welcome daniel
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
Hey Daniel... can you feel the love ! Smitten

Fatman Fatman Fatman Fatman Fatman

p.s. - we abuse Max on a strict rotational basis. You're up again on February 23rd, 2008.

p.s.s. - Max has guns. Big guns.
Ok nice doggie pics not withstanding, time to give this thread a rest too, 7 pages of it just about covers it all. Anymore Max vs Raz tiff, take it to pm's plz.

[Image: SigPic100.jpg] Copper/Silver - The original, the rest are just copies.

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