News On Rocket
Rocket's going home today Clap Hip Hip Hooray.
never fly higher than your angel.
congrats on that mate, I know he's by no means out of the woods but at least he will be out of the bloody hospital (depressing places they are)

hope to catch up for a ride soon mate
get well soon rocket.
pink pantys 4 every one .see you in hell bitches
Well @ long last its great to be back on the board.Yes
I have just read this thread from the start and and deeply touched by your thoughts,well wishes and sentiments.It has truely touched me deep down.

Also i would like to thank all the guys who have come into hospital and cheered me up tremendously and also for helping to try to get internet access happening,mate this cancer thing sux,i wouldnt wish it on my worse enemy.Pi_thumbsdown

So today i am out of hospital and back home(after about 7 weeks in hospital)and i cant tell you how good it is to be home again.As explained i am not out of the woods yet as the chemo didnt get rid of my stomach cancer,but at least i am back onto food and holding it down now(so tring to get some weight and strength back on).
I will be tring some alternative theorapy seeeing as the chemo never worked,BUT I WILL NEVER FUGGIN GIVE UP.............

My aim is to definatley get back on the busa when i have my strength back and once again cruise my favorite roads.I started today with actually driving the car,i know its not riding the bike,but its a start....

Anyway thanks again for all your support and hope to catch some guys for a coffee night soon and maybe a ride in the not too distant future.........Rocketrod.Pi_thumbsup
[Image: CA2BIZED.jpg] BACK IN BLACK!!!
f*** mate good to see you back on here. the bord hasn't been the same without you rocket, we got no-one to hang shit on and tensions have been rising lately ;)
Pi_thumbsupWelcome back Rod Pi_thumbsup
Woman,where's my wallet?
And whats for tea?
Good to see you back Rod Pi_thumbsup and for a long time & many good times to come.
Great to see you with your arse still pointing at the ground and wound up for a fight Rocket Man, fuckin tops seeing you on the board. btw - your dog is the most ugly mutt God ever put 4 legs underneath. He does you credit!

Great to see yourwords in print bloke. Welcome back.

Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
See Rocket, I told you they like you.
Welcome back to the board mate.
Its been a while.
Pi_thumbsup Pi_thumbsup Pi_thumbsup Pi_thumbsup Pi_thumbsup Pi_thumbsup Pi_thumbsup Pi_thumbsup Pi_thumbsup Pi_thumbsup
Look on the bright side Rocket.

Some good did come out of it.

You got rid of that hippy haircut! Trophy (Sorry Mate)

All the best, Phil. Boobies4
[Image: Doitforthegroupies.jpg]
welcome back Rod, we will all be looking forward to your bagging of the 08 busa. chin up and fight the basta.
[Image: SigPic100.jpg] Copper/Silver - The original, the rest are just copies.
Rod ! Fantastic to see you on the board. Even better to see that fighting spirit. One step at a time, little victories lead to big wins. Best wishes and prayers are with you mate. Keep up updated if you can.
Great to see you back Mr. Rocket. Not a moment too soon!
Good to see your up and about again Rod . Keep fighting !
+1 for Rocket Yes
are you able to meet up for coffee on wednesday?

Maj Wrote:Good to see your up and about again Rod . Keep fighting !

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