New v Old discussion board
Well we have been trialling this new discussion board for a few months now and I gotta say that I find a couple of points of interest.

1. The new board is much kinder to newbies to find their way around and post etc. -Great.

2. We seem to have retained most of the older members and gained some newbies because of Item 1. Great.

3. We still don't have any moderators censoring the discussions which is good.

4. Some of the discussions are being hijacked way out of control which rarely happened on the old board or if it did, it got moved to a non bike thread. Not so good.

5. The old board shone way above this one simply because of the ability to put a reasonably sized image into a post that could be seen without having to open another page to view it. Bad.

6. The ability to add attachments goes some way to make up for the problem at item 5. However with a 10mb limit per member, it discourages people from putting up meaningful items because they know that soon, they will have to delete that item to put something else in it's place. Bad - because if you go hunting back through the discussions the attachments will be gone.

These points are purely my own observations and are not directed at any other member. I simply think that we can continue to improve the new board by either relaxing some restrictions or introducing other procedures.

p.s. please don't hijack this thread.Coolsmiley
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
below are my comments:

BUSGO Wrote:Well we have been trialling this new discussion board for a few months now and I gotta say that I find a couple of points of interest.

1. The new board is much kinder to newbies to find their way around and post etc. -Great.
With the new google bot as well its made it easy to find ;)

3. We still don't have any moderators censoring the discussions which is good.
I sometimes think this is bad - but thats just me.

4. Some of the discussions are being hijacked way out of control which rarely happened on the old board or if it did, it got moved to a non bike thread. Not so good.
This is where moderators come in

5. The old board shone way above this one simply because of the ability to put a reasonably sized image into a post that could be seen without having to open another page to view it. Bad.

This comes down to the admins & people setting up the forum. Space is cheap these days but yet I dont think out of the Jindy cash they put extra in for space - I have even offered to buy up to the next package to over come this problem. Its a case of people being tight arse's really & taking care of those stuck in 1995 dial up mode.

6. The ability to add attachments goes some way to make up for the problem at item 5. However with a 10mb limit per member, it discourages people from putting up meaningful items because they know that soon, they will have to delete that item to put something else in it's place. Bad - because if you go hunting back through the discussions the attachments will be gone.

Yep - see last comments. again tight arse's & configuration that can be changed.

p.s. please don't hijack this thread.Coolsmiley
5. The old board shone way above this one simply because of the ability to put a reasonably sized image into a post that could be seen without having to open another page to view it. Bad. end Quote
Thats the only bitch I can read there...which is a pretty good score imo.

This is a 5 min fix.
I have told big boss I don't like the small snapshots right from the start.
I get frustrated with having to click a thumbnail to see a bigger pic.
I don't mind thumbnails but maybe a size you can see otherwise its a complete waste of time.
I hear ya......but it sounds like this ......"WAaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

nar, Some good points raised there.

On a different topic.............

Has anyone seen the new busa in the flesh yet?


just stirring....
How r ya josh?
What r u doing on the weekend?
DON'T answer that!

Ps pls dont talk too loud about this board vs old.
I don't want to fire Rev up.....
Be wery qwiet....
Great weather we're having down here.

Hey Josh, when can you get to come over and show me how to back up my hard drives to my back-up external drive bloke?

Still a great board, thank Admins.

Max - quietly creeps away waving the flag:aussie
Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
Hey Busgo you raise some good points. Id say DJ can look into the statistics and perhaps raise the limit. Pics in post and resizing I think that has more to do with throwing out the page size, perhaps it can be raised from 640, I dont know how they would appear on skinny 800 formats, but perhaps DJ can play around with that and raise to max that wont throw pages out. I still think this board is way better in software than the ezyboard, I personally prefer hosting pics here without having to have to upload on another site. Anyway perhaps DJ can look at tweaking it up to suit users.
[Image: SigPic100.jpg] Copper/Silver - The original, the rest are just copies.
This is not the first nor will it be the last time this has been brought up Volvi has a good point someone is asking for advice on a topic and then you get half a dozen replies of two people having a conversation what happend to our chat room that was set up and most people have msn etc i personly have tried hard to get this board to run the best way possible by asking people to resize pics and i dont see the need to quote the whole message of someone else espesialy pictures i dont see a problem with the size of thumbnails being to small you can see what they are and if you choose to look thats up to you if you want to post a full size pic use the photo bucket i think 6 small thumbnails looks much neater and loads a lot faster than 6 full size pics there you go thats my rant if we all give a little concideration to others this board will run smoother

Quote:5. The old board shone way above this one simply because of the ability to put a reasonably sized image into a post that could be seen without having to open another page to view it. Bad.
if you want your picture to be seen at a larger size so everyone has to look at it use photo bucket no one is stopping you
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
I have huge amounts of trouble with password and logon, with the new board. That of course never happened with the old board. To the extent of actually giving up on the password required galleries, which is fustrating for someone interested in bling factor.

I dont care about the thumbs, I dont care about the thread hijacks (cause its often me)........ I think its just fine. The odd hicup with speed and a few things, but i not complain
[Image: bmr.gif]
Good points Busgo. The worst aspect of this site is the thread hijacking. I dont enjoy this site anywhere near as much as before certain people came on board. I dont visit anywhere near as often and that is a real shame - this site has been deminished by a small group of braindead fuckwits who have nothing constructive to add. Boot them from the site and let us return to the club we once were.
If it wasnt for the non bike threads and the witty banta the thread hijackers provide this forum would be stagnant. Its not like to many here know more about the busa than what the promo brochure says.
[Image: bmr.gif]
I much agree, i'm not saying that excessive thread hijacking is great, but offtopic discussion is a completely normal part of everyday conversation & a forum in my opinion is suppose to emulate conversation/discussion.

If someone slightly changes the subject, things usually always go back to the original topic on their own, the in-between is often just a quick chit-chat.

When you start picking on the slightest hint of irrelevance to a thread, everyone is just going to stop posting their immediate thoughts/ideas....they'll stop & go " is not directly related to the topic....i won't bother" & soon your members will stop bothering at all.

Example: If someone said

A "Yes I think you should hold onto it, where do you ride by the way?"

B "Well I usually take her for a spin round the streets here in QLD"

A "Oh ok, hows the weather there in QLD? are there alot of other busa's around? anyone else selling copper's too?

See, the insertion of short words related to the topic would essentially make this relevant, but in another sense it could still be considered off-topic....where do you draw the line.

Most people aren't going to grovel on for pages between each other, its usually a few short replies, then they are on their way. If you keep imposing restrictions, people usually just want to break free again & I think ultimately that will make people just leave the forum

Without posts & threads whether they be related or not, a forum wouldn't be a forum.

mybb Wrote:If it wasnt for the non bike threads and the witty banta the thread hijackers provide this forum would be stagnant. Its not like to many here know more about the busa than what the promo brochure says.
This forum has managed to survive for 8 years without this shit, I really doubt it would fold if we stopped it.

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