Oxley Weekend Part 2 - Other thread is dead.
Hey Guys,

I really enjoyed my blast down the Oxley, and got some very good footage on the video camera pretty much from beginning to end. This was shown at work today and everybody was amazed, and thought we were lunatics cruising at high speed.

It was great to meet you all finally, and I reckon we should do this again sometime, but not when the weather is shitty.

Andrew, hope you are OK mate, and the insurance company give you enough money for a Busa mate

Rob (simmo) and I had a pretty uneventful ride home along the Pacific Hwy then the F3. Those Copper Silvers may be the best Rob but they use twice as much gas as the bloody Red Grey.

Catch you all at the convention or the Snowy Ride. Ride safe people

Geeze... it was nice of you guys to let the FJR fellas lead. Very neighbourly indeed. I've just finished reading the ride report on the FJR site. Busa's unable to catch an FJR thru the corners ?? But then theres a straight... at which point, the busa's finally come into their own ?? Better take Wearlej next time !

I'm gonna have to take another look at those FJR's Might be the trick that stops me from being the last to arrive all the time ! Either that or I could learn how to ride properly (I just did have a look at 'em... I'm sure their owners love 'em but I just love the looks of a 'busa)

Glad everyone had a good weekend... and that Andrew is ok.

Graham... when do we get to see that footage ?
Regards.... Rob (Astro)<i>Edited by: AstroBusa at: 20/6/05 20:49
Cheers to all attended you guys made it a great one, thanks especially to Cowboy for arranging the ride, i would love to do it again next year and i'm sure everyone else would also. Graham you were embarrassing at the jelly wrestling you cost me $50 all you had to do was last 60 seconds and she pinned you in 10 seconds flat (but i do think her name was Bruce )
I think there was 21 all up, 19 bikes
Qlds 12
Nsw 9
Looks like Queensland won this Soo Cheers Robert
Dont worry about the FJR Astro. I have ridden one plenty off grunt,but a tank in corners. Dont see many at Eastern creek ride days

I also just read Wayne's ride report on the FJR site and he seems a little confused on a number of points but seeing as he didn't know anybody before the weekend, I can understand that.
I too blew past his set top speed of 180 but he wouldn't have recognised the plates. I let him go back in front though before we got into town. Let's face it every Busa owner tries for the big 3.. don't they?
As for Curly leading the way, let me tell you he is a demon regardless of what he is riding. He cut his teeth doing high speed cross country riding on a BMW Paris Dakar. He knows no fear. I can vouch for the FJR reaching 260 with race pipes and without paniers.
Andrew from Brissy already has an FJR as well as his now bent SP1, so it must have been someone else that Wayne was impressing with his Yammie.
Good ride report, all the same Wayne.
Kawasuki ???? Divided loyalties I see !!

My Effy is just like my wife:

A little heavey. But a great Ride!

No Darling I didnt say that, I wouldnt, Wasnt me, really darling, its not true:

SMACK That hurt. <i></i>
Thanks again Cowboy.
Busgo my name is shane also not gaz.
Nice to meet everyone .
Awesome to see we all did'nt give a shit about (the cops)
& injoyed the high speed stuff.
What could they do to so many.
Shayne,alan,troy & I headed up the highway to Coffs (boaring) the worst part of our whole trip,then cut inland for a bonus quick blast to Grafton where we stayed the night.
Then run home in the morning through casino,kyogle,Beaudesert then home by lunch
cya on the next 1
Gday all.

Thanks for a top trip, the weather may not have been kind to us but the roads and the company more than made up for it.

A bit of a run down of the trip for Shredder and myself over the last 4 days, for those that are interested.

We left Friday Morning from Yatala and headed out through Beaudesert, Rathdowney, Kyogle, Casino, on to Grafton and eventually pulling up in Ebor when it was too cold to go no further. We stayed the night in the EBOR Hotel/Motel that we both highly recommend. The publican give us a bit of stir about how cold it got in those parts, not quite what we were expecting coming from sunny Queensland.

Sure enough it got down to -6 during the night and our bikes were covered in ice. We waited for the roads to clear and eventually set off by 9.00am to stop a short while down the road to thaw out our bodies as it felt like they had frozen stiff.

We finally got to Armidale, checked out our accommodation, put a new tyre on the bike, as I had destroyed it the day before, a miss calculation on my behalf. Apparently it happens a lot around there, with people coming in with strips hanging out, so the Bike Shop told us. They also told us riding should be kept between 10am and 3pm which later proved itself to be right, way to cold outside these hours around Armidale.

Afterwards we decided to head out to Gloucester along Thunderbolts Way, crossing paths with Busgo and Simmo heading out. For most of the ride we had no feeling in our bodies which wasn’t very pleasant, prompting us to step up the pace so we could get in before dark. Thinking we would be the last to arrive it was a surprise to find out that the rest of the Queensland boys were still to come!

Caught up with everyone and had dinner at the Local Bowls club and talked bikes with all the fellahs. A great night!!

Sunday Morning woke up to an overcast day which eventually turned into rain, thankfully we decided to go as planned to the Oxley as the day cleared not far out of Walcha.

The roads out from Walcha were great, definate Busa country and a must for those that have never been.

After an hour or so of high speed cruising we got to the twisties were we had another hour of tight winding roads to challenge us, beautiful stuff, some moss and wet patches but well sign posted giving us plenty of time to get ready for it.

Rode through to Wauchope, Port Macquarie, Coffs and went in land to discover a great little route that we could hold resonable pace that was way more interesting than the Pacific Highway to finally settle in Grafton.

From Grafton come back along the same route as we came with a little detour along the Lions Road. It was wet and no fun at all, a lot of work on the Bus. The whole area between Rathdowney and Beaudesert was covered in fog and that was Midday.

Got in at 1.30, travelled a total of 1800 or so klms in 4 days. Awesome trip will be doing it again but will be waiting for it to get warmer, a lot warmer. Didn’t see much in the way of Police so hopefully we should be ok as far as tickets go, but you never know.

Hope all arrived home safely and wish Andrew a speedy recovery.

Thanks again and till next time.

OK, now the truth really starts to come out. The same Jelly Wrestler (Bruce!!!) nailed me to the ground in 10sec flat but what Rob is not saying is that the jelly wrestler (bruce) took an absolute shile to our simmo and sat on him all night. Apparently they are getting along very well, although I am afraid to ask who is giving and who is receiving. Regards
Graham i fix you up tomorrow night i
ps i didn't know the the Fjr's were racing us
The Guy on the red one goes hard but Cheers Robert
G/day everyone
good ride good blokes good beer good food good time
big thanks to cowboy
picked andrew up from the hospital about 7.30pm sunday night broken collar bone cartilage damage to his ribs sprained wrist and some bark off his knees but in good spirit .his father & brother where bringing down the trailer on monday And get this the bloody hospital let him out with no strapping on his wrist at all we had get some from the chemist go figure!

cheers mark <i></i>
Thanks again Mark for looking after Andrew.
Sorry about the name slipup Shayn, too many new faces in one weekend for an old fart to remember properly.
Love the black busas from up north.
Last time I spotted the Jelly wrestler she was slipping between cabins when the lights went out.
Lost in the car park at 3.00am looking for the right cabin w Cheers Robert
We know which bed the Jelly Wrestler ended up in though dont we Rob!!!!!! Who had the double bed in the room all to themselves. Anyway my rear hugger can bash seven kinds of shit out of your jelly wrestler, even if it is a bloke.

Re Hospital i'll need a hospital if my wife see's this site
Graham thanks for jelly wrestling pics
Cheers Robert

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