Oxley Weekend Part 2 - Other thread is dead.
Drag out the thermals Simmo.
My son says it was -5c the other morning....

Who was laughing about those heated handgrips.
A couple of photos from the last run up Thunderbolts and down the Oxley.
These are at the Thunderbolt's lookout obviously.
Hope the weather is just as clear on the 18th June.

Last one at the Walcha cafe.
Simmo, Its been getting a bit cool at night here. -5 or -6 has been the lowest but that doesn't last long its been in the high teens during the days. Cold in the morning but clear blue skies it doesn't feel that cold.
See you all soon.
Turtle <i></i>
Cheers better get some thermal undies
bring on the rain please Cheers Robert
Thanks Rob,

Heres me planning to have a heavy throttle hand and you're begging for rain. If I want rain I want it this weekend, not next weekend.

I have purchased a wide angle attachment for the video camera so the dials will be crystal clear but the number plates will be too small to read.

BTW like the new emoticons esp the guy.

Hi again guys.
We have another starter from Newcastle.
Another FJR1300 I'm afraid but he is a good mate.
He will find his own accommodation.
His name is Mike (Curley).
So thats two FJRs from here and my mate Andrew from Brisbane is coming down with Cowboy. He has a VTR and and FJR. Don't know which one he will be on.
This time next week we'll be well on our way.

Hi Busgo
Andrew said he would be riding the FJR. Andrew I will call you through the week for meeting place and time. It's getting closer guys and thereain't goin to be any rain.
Cowboy. <i></i>
Two bikes in two weeks todays bike i think it was a
zx9 but it was hard to tell as i went past the ute on the way back down the mountain i counted three pieces at least both happened near gingers creek
The Oxley east of gingers creek is not drying out and theres plenty of green moss on the edges so watch your wide entry's and wide exits so after all that it was a shit hot ride today

seeya next week mark
Graham a little bit of rain is not going to hurt you (don't tell me you have been south of the boarder to long)
Only 4 more sleeps Rain, Hail, Snow, Frost, 50 deg heat i be there.
Cheers Robert
Looks like we will have to look out for this on the weekend.
Undercover cops.
www.oroadsports.com/viewt...sc&start=0 <i></i>
We dont want to see any of this either.
It happened last weekend 1 of the O.S.B. guys .
He walked away with only a broken collar bone,
It happened near Gingers on the way up.
www.ozsportsbikes.com/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=download&id=6719 <i></i>
Hey guys anyone want to post up some
contact ph no ?
aBUSa (shayne) & myself are heading down friday & will
try to hook up saturday morning some where if possible.
cya shane mob 0402245625. <i></i>
G'day Shane,
I live in Armidale. If you want to do something Saturday (ride, repairs, wash bikes, anything) give us a call.
Gaz 0427722976
Turtle <i></i>
Hi guys,
The southern group hope to arrive, via the Thunderbolt's way if the weather is good, by mid afternoon Saturday.
My mbl is 0416 066 624
For the Sydney riders, Simmo, Franko and 1HotBusa,
I have a spare room/ beds and could squeeze some bikes into the shed for Friday night if you want to head up to Raymond Terrace on Friday arvo rather than early Saturday.
Make sure to call me if this suits you. Otherwise 8:30 to 9AM at the Beresfield BP Saturday morning.

Thanks for the kind offer Ray, it's best left the way it is as some others may sneak out also
See you at BP Beresfield 8.30 ish
Cheers Robert

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