News On Rocket
Hey everyone, you may need to know that our good old stirrer, Rocket Rod, is not in the best of health, at the moment. He's been in hospital for a few weeks, and now that they've worked out what's wrong, he will hopefully be out soon.

He's still got his sense of humour and his spirits, and the outlook is certainly not bleak, but he isn't going to be his old self for quite a while. Send your positive thoughts and prayers his way, everyone.

He has a stack of motorbike mags next to his bed, and a mini DVD player to help him pass the time, but obviously no internet access.

We're thinking of ya, buddy, whenever you get to read this. You can't keep a good man, down!
Thinkin of ya Rocket.

I'll have a Beer for you later.

Hope ya get outa the hossy soon.

A small handful of people have been aware that Rocket has been ill. It was suggested that we keep it low at least until his family were told.

Richard has just filled me in on the latest update as they were having problems finding the source of his fluid build up in the stomach.

The news is encouraging.
If anyone wants more information please call either myself or Richard.

We have all been blown over at how quickly this caught us.
One minute you are fine and the next min...

All the very best Rocket.
See you back at coffee nights before too long...
We are all thinking of you during this tough and painful time.
DjPete Wrote:Richard has just filled me in on the latest update as they were having problems finding the source of his fluid build up in the stomach.

See you back at coffee nights before too long...

f*** DJ maybe all that coffe was the reason for the fluid buildup. WtfThat and the fact he's too tight fisted to even give away his urine for free.Roll

Get well soon ya old tosser, I need ya back here to pick on.Fatman
All the best for a speedy recovery Coffee
Cheers Taub
[Image: Banner_blueandwhite2.jpg]
Thanks for update Richard Im glad they found the source thinking of you get well soon Rocket so you can take me on that ride you promised Pi_thumbsup
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
wishing you a speedy recovery, where would we be without our super busa critic. hurry up getting better your black mistress awaits you with open wheels.
[Image: SigPic100.jpg] Copper/Silver - The original, the rest are just copies.
Yeh,, come on Rockett hurry up so we can beat the shit out of ya. Nah why wait. DJ can u take a little package into rockett Ghastly
Wishing you all the best Rod.

Is he up for visitors?
Volvi Wrote:hurry up getting better your black mistress awaits you with open wheels.
Is he up for visitors?
I think he could stay "up" for you Brigitte!
lol Pete, judging by how long rocket has been in hospital, I am sure he would have no problems with you guys either Scary Lol2
I was feeling generous so I got you a few things Rocket...
[Image: CHOCOLATES.jpg]
[Image: 03_05_Mag_Cvr.widec.jpg]
[Image: 22186089.jpg]
[Image: 3_0614feat1.jpg]

and for the man with everything...
a spare Bus...
[Image: tams1493.jpg]

I know the Bus is only a model kit one but to be honest I ran out of money....Coolsmiley

Get well bro.
Pink Angel Wrote:lol Pete, judging by how long rocket has been in hospital, I am sure he would have no problems with you guys either Scary Lol2
did he tell u?
I hope you get well soon Rocket. Biker
never fly higher than your angel.
Best wishes Rod... get well soon.

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