The useless bits of info to see if we can make a million posts thread
:) Well, thats two idiots. How you going DJ?
Butterflys taste with their feet - 3rd Idiot Trix
I bumped into this the other day and I was gobsmacked so of course I thought I should contribute to this thread with it.

I am not 100% sure but I think (I stress I am not sure) that they are about to be released...not only that but rumour is they will come in blue also.
Stay tuned...
[Image: LedOnPin13.jpg]
oh yeah I forgot to mention.
I was down at the supermarket the other day and you would't believe what happened.
The old saying "freeze the balls off a brass monkey" is actually a nautical term. The brass monkey being the frame in which old cannon balls were stacked. In particularly cold weather, the frame, or monkey, would shrink, causing the cannon balls to fall off.

idiot number 6
Dj has sex with a cat on weekends Lol3 not sure if he or the cat is drunk
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
DJ would only be drunk with excitment.. My guess is that cat is wasted though
[Image: bmr.gif]
Did you know that a group of rinos is called a crash?Nerd
[Image: CA2BIZED.jpg] BACK IN BLACK!!!
Rocketrod Wrote:Did you know that a group of rinos is called a crash?Nerd

Do now
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
There seems to be a few oxygen thieves in here.............including myself Pi_freak
Cheers Taub
[Image: Banner_blueandwhite2.jpg]
I like setting myself to invisible because it makes me feel like a voyeur
Sluts make the world go round.
Friends dont let friends ride Hondas.

Better your sister in a brothel than your best mate on a Honda.

An Abcess makes your fart go Honda.

OK I'm done
i really hate it when your ear bends back when you put your helmut on, and no matter how many times u try u can't fix it...

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