VIC Drags

I have been thinking of going to a drag night here in VIC after I have sorted its fuelling problems........... however its not really something I want to go to all by my lonesome - because I wouldn't know where to start, how to start, what the deal is & well its just better to have others you know have done it & can give you a little guidance.

So I am wondering who goes here in Melbourne, where, how much & when?
Couple of spots in Melb - Heathcote or Calder.

Calder - Friday nights $40 not sure on times

Heathcote - Sundays - $40 gates open 9,racing 11 to 4pm.

I prefer Heathcote to Calder not as many Cars and the officials have a better bike attitude IMO.

Just went this Sunday ,spur of the moment had not much else to do.

I'll post up next time out, just need a new tyre, and good to go.

Another option hire the track max 20 vehicles , Busa Drag Day sounds good.
Hey Chris, I know rod posted about this a little while ago so just to confirm, once my gearbox issues are sorted i'll definatley be up for it..

fuggin suzuki, not repairin it just because of my "special" mods....
this is what we need!! "Another option hire the track max 20 vehicles , Busa Drag Day sounds good."

Between this forum & two others - I reckon we could get the numbers :)
hey guys - let me know when your heading there next - I am still keen - pick up my bike this saturday
Im down as well,just got 1000kms on the clock,not sure if i should take it yet,but yeh.
if somebody sets a date, i'm down for it. wouldn't mind running again now that i've tweeked her a little.
I'd be super keen but need to get the PC remapped. Could run as is but wouldnt expect too much. Running rich down low. Peoples have recomended petes pitstop for remapping, any other options that peoples recomend?

One other thing. Where is Heathcote? Undecided

FrownI'll be in again.
But not for a while farken gearbox.
CapeBusa Wrote:I'd be super keen but need to get the PC remapped. Could run as is but wouldnt expect too much. Running rich down low. Peoples have recomended petes pitstop for remapping, any other options that peoples recomend?


Dynoverks would be good as well mate ;) they are meant to look after us as well.

ok - date - I'll talk to a few & put up a date in the next day or two :)
hope i get my cans in time. there in the mail. either way i'm there.
hey commando - have you been there before?
I used to go to heathcote a fair bit for work but never been to see the queens
[Image: bmr.gif]
i haven't been to heathcote, but i have been to calder once.

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