rapid write up on jindy run
I just flicked through the new rapid and saw the write up by busgo.I thought it was pretty good.Based on what i hear from Ware and co, and what i see written i,d say the article is consistent with that.Trimmed and cut into unoffensive reading.What was the name of that charity again?Confused
is that the may 2007 one? if so which page? coz I aint seen it
RaZz0R Wrote:is that the may 2007 one? if so which page? coz I aint seen it

Confused I haven't spotted it either...
never fly higher than your angel.
I haven't seen the finished article yet Glenn, and you have no idea of what I wrote. So don't go putting words into my story that were never there thank you very much.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
yah I just went through may - do they have june out already?
I didn't see the June issue at the newsagent Yesterday, will check again today.
[Image: zzzCustom.jpg]
"par excellence"
Hey - I just bought the June RAPID - its in there page 70.

I have to say I think its unreal that RAPID did a two page spread for it :) guessing it was free as well ;)
Yep went into today and bought the June issue of Rapid as well.

Great write-up and a couple of nice pics. Clap

They conducted an extensive test of the 1000's in the mag as well which made for some interesting reading.
Hey Busgo ,your time of the month??

""""So don't go putting words into my story that were never there thank you very much. """" Please explain this one Busgo.
kawasuki Wrote:Hey Busgo ,your time of the month??

""""So don't go putting words into my story that were never there thank you very much. """" Please explain this one Busgo.

I don't have any problems Kawa, but in answer to your query, see below.

Quote the Spaman "Trimmed and cut into unoffensive reading.What was the name of that charity again? "

What is this then Kawa?

Sounds to me like inferrance that there was something cut out that should not have been there.

I'll comment on any editing once I see the article.
I think commenting on what MAY have been edited without knowing what was submitted is wrong. Plain and simple.
I believe my story was quite kind to the event and sponsors.
I'll see when I read the mag. As always I hope that the story goes in as I submitted it.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
Great article Ray.

After you read Rapid can you post your submission if is greatly different to what was published?
Sorry I hurt your feelings, I was aiming for your face......
bring it around here raz so I can read it while you fix my pc
[Image: bmr.gif]
Well, I'm glad to say and very excited that this time the editor has published the story without any changes whatsoever.Very Happy
So unlike the last time, I don't have to post the story up.
I would like to thank all those who helped out by submitting some photographs for inclusion.
If you recognise your shots, congratulations to you.
If you look hard, you'll find my name in the fold of the pages.
Thanks again to Jeff Ware and CO. at Rapid Bikes Magazine for supporting our club.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
Far out, we look good don't we???

Well done Busgo. Clap


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