Little things that piss you off
Saw this on another forum and thought it could be an interesting thread here.

Little things that piss you off...

Ok I'll start...
for example people who start threads about stupid topics...don't look at me! lol
KEEP LEFT UNLESS OVERTAKING!!!  (ahh I feel much better now)
sorry to harp on women again but...
If we have to leave the seat down in the dunny (which I never do btw) why do they never leave the seat up again???
no 1 thing that piss me of is people thinking they can ride a Busa and dont give it the respect it deserves Violin
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
[Image: bmr.gif]
1. People on the phone while driving
2. Cupboard doors left open
3. Shoes and shit left in walkways or pathways
4. DVD's left out of their covers
5. TV and lights left on and no-one is watching the freakin thing or in the room that the light is on
6. Rubbish in the recycling bin and vice versa.
7. People stopping in the middle of the aisle, footpath for no apparent reason.
8. People walking the wrong side of the footpath. Feck people what side of the freakin road do you drive on.
9. People who deliberately aim for you when your on the correct side of the footpath.
10. Ironing board not put away

Yeah I think thats enough.
Anything that you do like MrsTony ? lol
[Image: bmr.gif]
Kiwi's and I married One
whinging hayabusa owners with nothing better to do . especially busa-rod with his '' resizing of photo's bullshit . shut the f*** up about it .
pink pantys 4 every one .see you in hell bitches
people that swear and curse others without thinking for a minute that they may be offending someone!
I think the shut the f*** up may have been a little harsh....but maybe I'm overreacting Mechanx.
Anyway I am the one who set up the messages on the pics when they are too big, but to be honest I'm over all this arguing so...have a nice day and lets continue with the bullshit...yehaaaa

100% with ya Mrs T
Mine is less than 640 x480
[Image: bmr.gif]
Mrs Tony,
you must be a Mother and and a Housewife. You sound just like Mrs Max. She's forever following me out to the shed to make sure I turn off the lights off when I'm done, and shut the f*&^ing door baby, the cold's getting in (we live in frozen Canberra), and and and, you're both about the same height too, come to think of it, you could be sisters you know, ever heard of a small Greek village called Mesahoria? bloody better check Mrs Max to make sure she hasn't been out messing with my shed while I'm in here doing this shit!:2funny:Lol2:lol:

Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
uummmm - nope, nothing upsets me. ever.
Chopper says - "Harden the f*** up Australia"
mechanx and his pussy pink panties
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
Rod, your jealousy is showing through again mate.  Just buy your own already.. Some of those cute little kylie ones would look awesome on you dude..  Whack on a pink G, some hipster jeans and yah leather jacket and go for a blast.  Would be a treat for anyone coming up behind you.. haha..  DJ would be trying to catch up for sure!!
[Image: bmr.gif]

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