Flowers or the Forks
I thought I would kick this one off where we could give praise to the random act of kindness that people show us on the road or the acts of freakin' stupidity that makes you want to get out and beat them to death with your helmet.

Flowers to the great guy who spotted my glasses on top of the top box and let us know when we were pulled up at the lights.

Surprisingly today no one to give the forks to. Thats gotta be a first.
yes i chased a young girl once on my bike she thought i was trying to attach her but once i pulled her over as she was traped at lights i let her no her wallet was on the roof the kiss and cudle was worth the chase Smitten
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22

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