hey I'll go to coffee for that chat. Everyone here should want to be a "validated member" - if not - you have to ask why not - maybe they are a copper watching us?
Its pretty simple - we already know a set amount of people that we can trust - start with them & then we can hide set forums & only those whom are validated members can have access - the bigger questions should be how do we validate a member? & stuff? :)
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I think the 55+ post limit is a good measure if this really is something we need to do at some point. Maybe even higher (spoken like a true post whore).
But I also agree with Rod... keep it transparent.... post warnings and disclaimers where required (or appropriate) .... be a little careful about what we write. If we look like we've got something to hide, it makes us more of a target and attracts more unwanted attention.
I dont know why you guys want it so open?
many people say things that could get us nabbed for any number of things. I think its a good thing that we hide away some parts of it & its safer for all then
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How does anyone know we are hiding anything if its hidden thats the point! Cant see it, so they dont know about it!
A hidden area can contain topics that are of interest to members that wouldnt normally be posted in an open forum is Police sightings, Cameras or matters of warranty.
Sunday Rides that sort of thing, would benefit from being there, would have been real nice to see plod turn up at Jindy as we gave them our full Itinerary.
Club Specials for members is another area, they shouldnt be up for the Public to see otherwise its not a club special!
Crap threads can be put there, so the bickering can continue with out all members being tarnished with the same brush.
The 50 post count thing in my opinion is the way to handle it, which means all existing members have access from the Get Go, no one is affected by the change, business as usual just the Public dont get to see the full picture.
Essentially this forum is a Club and some things shouldnt be up for public viewing just like all other associations.
the easy way for this would be simply that users must be registered to use the forum. nothing else.
we could also add some more fields like job, contact number or similar which can easily be made as compulsary fields.
i agree that a hidden section would only make people curious.
anyway i dont do anything wrong anyway so nothing to hide here...well that peanut butter thing is only once a week anyway..
agree with Abusa here. All of those things I think should not be open.
the "hidden" sections of course only get known to those that qual for it :)
a simple reg is easy as to make fake user names with as well.... I say 55 post limit or something & check the persons post to make sure its not 55 posts of just crap.
many bike forums I am apart of are like this - coppers are on them - but we know who they are as well & where they are.
netrider.net.au, overclockers.com.au/mc, weekendriders.net all do this to keep them selfs & their members safe.
If its good enough for them - I say its good enough for us.
Also may.. MAY deter those unwanted people that can see the movements of those with drag bikes, bling bikes - in fact any of our bikes - and decide to try & nab one.
There was a while back a heap of stuff stolen at a drag bike meet & all for a busa.
So all in all - I feel its better for those of us that care about the club & those apart of it to protect us some what from this stuff. like I said - other bike clubs do it - there is no reason to have any of it open - if you ride a busa & dont mind playing or whatever - then reg & show us your not Mr plod! other riders as well sure - but keep them to the general area's unless we personally know them - no one should have a problem with this unless they are the people wanting to watch us or watch our bikes!
a start to those we could trust DJ - would be people I have ridden with in high gear.... such as your self in the national park ;) would be nice to be able to trade stories with out having to worry about that friggen google bot turning it up in a google search or mr plod reading it.
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I see where some things would want to be private but there is no full proof way of making a private section except for what pete is saying by getting members to give all details to us so we no who you are . Hands up who wants there full name address and other details stored and if you went for the 50 post way you have members like Busanthony sorry anthony but you was one i new did not post much he has a total of 8 posts so does that mean he has to be out in the cold to the year 2010 when he gets his posts up to 50 not real fair but i supose he like anyone inc mr plod could just go in to the testing area and go to town to he or she gets to the 50 posts .So hands up who wants to do a 100 point sucerity check
![[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg]](http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f175/HAYABUSA-ROD/Resizeofbusa005.jpg) |
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kangaroos1996@msn.com |
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Full Details isnt required and nor was it the intention to know the ins and out of everyone. Wouldnt admin notice some clown editing or reposting 50 times, why would they do that if the Topics were Hidden!
In cases of Members with less than 50 posts but they are known or have a history on Eziboard of course they should be allowed, there will be away around it whether its to increase there post count or just allow them access, just depends on how the Topics are finally managed.
I think the club could benefit from it but it wont be quantifiable. I'm not going to harp on it so I will leave it up to the powers and whether they can implement it or not.
We don't need it to be complicated ... I have a couple of ideas I will throw around with the admins when I see them next (next Wed, guys?)
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Well Im open to the idea of it all even if I dont feel I have need of it. But hey lets be honest here, this is the net not a private freemasons lodge with guard outside vetting one and all who goes in with a sword in his hand lol. The net is a pretty open place and often easily broken into places otherwise closed off to others. Do you think if Mr. Plod wants to get in he cant? one way or another, and what about our nice and friendly Mr. Plod Breh.... ? or our nice friendly angel do we say hey 'you cant come in'?
My opinion is if you wanna flame or shit on someones head you take it to PM. If you wanna brag about your weekends 300+ speeds, we dont believe ya anyway lol. Personally I just cant see the need for it and perhaps would rather be transparent with no where to hide. But if theres a strong demand and still want to go ahead with it I wont be objecting.
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What ever came of this?
I was warned when I put up my vids that admins would pass along my info to coppers....
I really hope that admins would play stupid & say they have no idea who or where I am if that ever happened :)
I don't know you from a bar of soap!
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we all know hes a slow poke anyway, he just speeds up the frames, nothing to go for mr.plod. hehe
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