Sad today 1 of my littles buddies is gone
Heidi, sorry to hear that you have to put dog down this week. That would be a hard thing to do, good move in getting a new puppy. I'm a dog lover and I wish I had one of my own. I live in a flat, so I can't have a dog atm.

Cheers T
Hi Shredder...

Sorry to hear about your mate's passing.

We lost our own Border Collie named Darcy a few weeks ago. He was only 15 months old. We were water skiing and he was playing at the water's edge as usual. He took a funny turn and died as we rushed him to vet. Vet thought snake bite was most likely cause.

We were all gutted. Dogs have a way of getting under your skin. They always are happy to see you and never argue like spouses and children.

Hopefully you sadness will soon fade and you will be left with happy memories of you mate.

very seldom in my life have i been without a dog, except for the last few years when circumstances have just not permitted it,
I once heard a quote, I think from Winston Churchill, but I am not sure. Anyway it goes somthing like this

They are happy with what love we can spare
And are happy with what food we can spare
And in return give their all
Never in human history has such a bargain
been made as man made with the dog.

The more I know people the more I like my dog.

I am so sorry for your loss

Tom "No Fear" Just means you aint goin quick enough yet !!!!!
Our thoughts are with you Heidi for the week ahead

Sorry for your loss also Peter.

While it is sad when this happen's it comforting to know there
carring people out there that feel the same about loving
pets .

i miss my puppy
oh shane,
sorry to hear mate
i only met your dogs before jindy and they were both beautiful.
i dread the day when my border collie gets to old... She's 15.
Talk to you later mate.
the shredder 3 Wrote:After just coming back from a great week away ridding the busa ,
I took the wife & my 2 rottis away for a weeks holiday up the coast.
All was fine great times etc till yesterday
We had all just come back along the beach & we were all having a dip in the surf before
heading up for breakfast when it happened.
1 of the boys was standing in the water close to shore when the under tow/drag
went back out to sea, he was standing still in it as if things were fine & he was just
fighting it no worries.
Wrong when he left the water he was strugling to walk but with his chin up as always as they do & with our help he walked the short distance home.

So here we were thinking ok he's strained himself he'll rest up which he did.
But Later in the day things weren't looking good he couldnt stand & was lam in the rear end
We got to the Vet's & it turned out he had a Smashed Vertebra & was infact now paralysised
The Vet  said this was a freaky thing to have happened but was not uncomon.
So we had to lay our boy to sleep packed & headed home.
The other dog isnt quite sure whats going on yet , he will miss his brother.
Not sure what to do about another 1 at the moment,wife is heart broken as he was here little boy.

The 1 on the left is leo who we let go
HI ya dude Im here in devon england having just lost to wales at rugby,
Anyway we've had two rotties the 1st eva (cos we got her on christmas eve , and sophie cos her previous owners called her roxie, mmmm anyway, eva got cancer in back leg mercenry vet offered to cut her leg off but not guaranrtee of success, soph ( my favorite even though she got got carsick, only ever saw her shoulderblades in the mirror...)

Wish you all the best mick
mick Wrote:
the shredder 3 Wrote:After just coming back from a great week away ridding the busa ,
I took the wife & my 2 rottis away for a weeks holiday up the coast.
All was fine great times etc till yesterday
We had all just come back along the beach & we were all having a dip in the surf before
heading up for breakfast when it happened.
1 of the boys was standing in the water close to shore when the under tow/drag
went back out to sea, he was standing still in it as if things were fine & he was just
fighting it no worries.
Wrong when he left the water he was strugling to walk but with his chin up as always as they do & with our help he walked the short distance home.

So here we were thinking ok he's strained himself he'll rest up which he did.
But Later in the day things weren't looking good he couldnt stand & was lam in the rear end
We got to the Vet's & it turned out he had a Smashed Vertebra & was infact now paralysised
The Vet  said this was a freaky thing to have happened but was not uncomon.
So we had to lay our boy to sleep packed & headed home.
The other dog isnt quite sure whats going on yet , he will miss his brother.
Not sure what to do about another 1 at the moment,wife is heart broken as he was here little boy.

The 1 on the left is leo who we let go
HI ya dude Im here in devon england having just lost to wales at rugby,
Anyway we've had two rotties the 1st eva (cos we got her on christmas eve , and sophie cos her previous owners called her roxie, mmmm anyway, eva got cancer in  back leg mercenry vet offered to cut her leg off but not guaranrtee of success, soph ( my favorite even though she got got carsick, only ever saw her shoulderblades in the mirror...)

Wish you all the best                  mick
sophie went in for a parvo jab and the locum suggested kennel cough at the same time (dont know if you use these down there) anyway she suddenly developed diabetes 3 days later lots of panting bed et through from sweating,took her back and the bastard sorry, looks really embarrassed aqnd says she sudddenly got diabetes, 5 yrs old fit as a fiddle, but for x pounds a day and continual monitoring she should last a few more years, didnt make it easy didnt mention all thr probs mmmmmanyway soph is gone long live rotties
Very sorry for your loss Shane. Your pets become your family and when that is taken away, tears from your heart.

Stay strong mate. And remember, it's always worth it for the good times you can remember.

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