Dyno and tweaks
Oh dear Les lets just be nice here and keep this unpublic shall we ??.Lets just meet somewhere TODAY in person and we I'm sure can sort this out without a doubt so give us a call and I'm there. Boss Ride Hard But Safe
Les ,
Nothing to say about the filter bizzo or is it more fun for you to discredit Boss who initially had nothing to do with this thread before you bagged him and his buisness!
And what the hell just happened here? I was trying to havean intelligent debate with educated opinions!
Ok I've got my coke and popcorn. When does the next round start???

....think I'll just go for a ride ....sheesh ....
Can I share some of that with ya? Or maybe even come for thatride?
Please...pretty please...
Another clown sitting up all night watching the resistor/airboxsaga unfold ......... Yeah you can come but bring yer own bike....
phill, i have looked over my posts in this thread and see nowherethat i have 'bagged' Boss (pete) or his business - nor was itever on my agenda, i think that you have mischievous and incitefulintentions in coming here and saying that on this board,,

as far as the 'filter bizzo' is concerned, i stand by myvery innocent post directed to richard about the airbox mod,,

the argument put forward by yourself and c43 regardinghigh performance air filters was never in contention, but ithad little to do with my post to richard, which was unnecessarilyattacked - but debated without blood,,
i think its too late to keep this "unpublic" pete,you should have thought of that before you posted such a blatantlie,,

what was it exactly that you were trying to achieveby it anyway??

i think you were incited more by phill's "bagging" post rather than anything i might havesaid,,

look over this entire thread pete and be a littlemore objective in the future before you jump in head first likethat again,,
Hello did I hear a duck Fart ??????. Sorry Les your denial doesn't surprise me or even warrant a response. Save it till we meet.Either put up or shut up Les, the bait on your line is stale.......I aint biting. Have a great day.
Boss Ride Hard But Safe
I,m not gunna rave on Les, but why when its in black and whitedo you (and Volvi-re-aboriginals) deny what you write on thisboard? All I can say......and I think I said it before.......is goodbye. Have your board for what its worth. NOTHING!
goodonya pete,,

nice to see that you took my advicefor a change and didn't jump in heard first, now you don't haveto sit there all day regretting your last post and wonderinghow in the hell you could get back on to edit it,,

youhave a good one too
GAWD, whatta buncha candy asses!

BigMac you're claiming 17 rwhp increase from cutting the flapper assembly out and cutting resistors out of the GPS?


If you people are going to dick with the airbox do it right. Find themotorhead airbox.


If you're going to dick with timing retard then do it right. Solder a 15K ohm resistor across the pink wire and ground on the ECU side, cut pink to the GPS.

Jeez, if you want to make horsepower then you should be all over www.themotorhead.com, not wildly speculating on bullshit.

Hi busababy. I had Pete do the other mods and I am happy with what was done. Always curious for more info though ....

What is different about the mod you describe? More correctly, what does it do differently as opposed to removing the three resisters from the module itself?

What,if any, are the downsides to doing it either way?

hi bmac,

i would be happy to tell you about the mod appearing in my post however, i did not post that, it somehow corrupted my post and embedded itself there,,


Ok busababy no probs. I thought I saw a post from someone else rubbishing the claims but when I went back to look the post was gone. Thats probably where it came from ......

Anyone else know the answer?


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