Can't We All Just Get Along?
I know I'm new here and all, but you guys really shouldn't be wasting your time fighting. We are all here because we love motorcycles, to be more specific, Hayabusas!! So please try and put you personal feelings for one another aside, we are here to have a good time, not to fight. I like a good fight too, but we are all part of the same "group" were all here to help one another, not to kill them.

I really love this board, I just think were all better than that!!

Thank You

The Busa Boy
wise words from a newcomer!

goodonya busa boy ......

I post these things because I don't like the way in which Boss' name has been used. I'm not aggravating things more....please believe this. Boss has become a close friend of mine and it is affecting him, as I'm sure your not overly happy about it either. I too, like the comment of busaboy and hope that both boards/members can remain amicable. So I ask all members of both boards to try and respect each others boards and maybe have an input into both on occasion. I'm sure that a group of adults can get along!
i see no reason either why we can't all get along, and it's nice that you and boss have become close friends, that's what this club was all about,,

when the conflict began i went out of my way to keep it off the board and communicated with pete by email, but that wasn't good enough for him he had to smear it all over the boards and make it public,,

its admirable that you would stand up in defense of your close friend and it certainly shows that you have character - which was my first impression of you anyway, but as i said before phill 'all would have been better served if those not involved stayed right out of it,'

phill, i hope this clears things between us but as far as i am concerned anyone who posts blatant lies about me and tries to intimidate me as well as others from our our group by threats of violence can just go to hell,,


It's Simple F.U.C.K. You
And if you can't see why, after all the shit ,lie's and crap you have posted someone is gunning for you then Les you tuly are an idiot. After the crap you have posted about me Les, if I was the person you keep trying to make out I am, I would have paid you a visit at 31 Neerim Road Caulfield long before now. Walk away Les as I have tried to do, but you just won't let it go WILL YOU ??? Ride Hard But Safe
Thats the last post you will be posting here as far as I am concerned, anything coming from you will just be deleted in the future, with no explanations. Go play in your own backyard (board).

You finally made good on your promise by posting Les's private address, implying let's all go and beat the crap out of him, which by the way he would welcome just to see you locked up where animals like you belong.

So it's F.U.C.K You and as a wise man (JP) said to you recently on this board "Piss off".
To quote both Boss and Volvi,
1/ Boss - "if I was the person you keep trying to make out I am, I would have paid you a visit at Neerim Road Caulfield long before now".
2/ Volvi - "You finally made good on your promise by posting Les's private address, implying let's all go and beat the crap out of him."
Do you really see EVERYTHING backwards or what?
Try reading again........I'm sure you'll see it the same as everyone else!

Your heroic attempt to defend Peter's latest despicable action is admirable and speaks volumes for your mateship. However, you cannot defend the indefensible.

Peter's blatant publication of my home address on the internet particularly, as it follows his public inciteful threat of violence, is totally inexcusable and there is only one way to view this Phill. Volvi got it dead right! If the situation were reversed, I would have already received a writ from Peter's lawyers or worse.

However, now that it's done it obviously cannot be retracted, but I firmly hope that this entire chapter will now be closed, as it is not possible for me to let this go any further without it becoming very serious.

My offer of reconciliation to all you guys still stands excluding Peter, at this stage. In time, I may be able to forgive him and perhaps we will ride altogether once again.

I also reckon that its high time you guys place the 'Lycra' file in abeyance and a class action style public apology to Richard, wouldn't go astray either. He has done absolutely nothing to deserve such punitive action. In fact, he has gone out of his way to stay right out of all this.

Think about it guys.

Now it's my turn to be confused. A reconciliation for what? For having a different opinion or perspective on things from you? For becoming a member of another club that I thought would provide the things that I expected from a club? Does that really require you and I to reconcile anything? Or are you holding me responsible for something else? If so, please enlighten me, because that's how it sounds.

Which brings me to my next point of confusion. You said, "I also reckon that its high time you guys place the 'Lycra' file in abeyance and a class action style public apology to Richard". Now by "class action" and by "you guys" it appears you are holding all members of the club, or perhaps all registered members of the board, responsible for the jibes. Nowhere on the board will you find any reference by me to the lycra jibes. Can I assume you mean only those who actually posted? or are you tarring us all with the same brush simply because we are associated with "that other club"?

In recent times I have held my tongue quite firmly between my teeth with all that has been going on, only speaking up when I felt that what was going on was in breach of my own set of principles or perhaps just too destructive to the clubs and friendships that have developed to ignore.

I do find your suggestions that we members of the other club have all been brain-washed by Pete (as evidenced by your "what have you done to them" comment), and can't think for ourselves quite amusing, and unless I've misread your last post here, you have done it again. I became a member of the other club for my own reasons, not for Peter's or Phil's or whoever else's, but MY reasons, and in fact was more than happy to eat and chat with Richard when I saw him on Cup Day at The Island, both on the day AND the evening before. OK, so I didn't share my motel room with him when he asked if I would, but that had nothing to do with the problems of the clubs, that again was for my own personal reasons, not due to any animosity toward Richard or your club because I don't hold any. And also take note, I have never actually quit from your club. Technically I'm still a member.

Now if I've misread any of what you said, tell me. I don't believe you and I need to reconcile anything, but don't take that to mean we are buddies, or even enemies for that matter. It is probably more accurate to call it indifference toward you on my part. And that's OK. We can't be expected to be best buddies with everyone we meet even if we do have a common interest. No doubt there are people who feel the same way about me. That's just how life is.

I have no wish to start another round of battles, it's simply not in my nature to do that, but neither is it in my nature to stand idly by if I believe I am being accused of something of which I am not guilty without at least saying my piece. I believe I am at least entitled to some clarification from you on this. That is all I ask for.

c'mon gazza there is no confusion here, it very simple, or do you require that i name each and every guilty party individually,,

those who are guilty know very well who they are and obviously my comments were directed at them, the fact that it doesn't involve you is a relief and you have nothing to defend, so why get involved with this rhetoric ??

Les, if I say I'm confused about this, how can you say there is no confusion? I've already told you there is. The fact that YOU know who you are talking about does not mean everyone else knows who you're talking about. On a number of occasions you have made comments that imply that we ALL are responsible or ALL under Pete's spell.

So if it means spelling out each and every name of each and every person you are referring to, OR making it know that you are NOT blaming everyone at the other board then you should do it. All too often people are found guilty by association. Is it too much to ask to ask you to find a way to ensure you only the address the people to whom you are directly referring? I don't think so, not if it stops the innocent bystanders from becoming convicted simply by being in the same place.

So are you going to help clear up my confusion? Because, regardless of the fact that you say there is none, I'm telling you I'm still confused.

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