How do you clean your chain?
How often?
How often do you adjust it?
What sort of lubricant(s) do you use?

About every 1000 km, with Kerosene, and a standard chain oil suitable for chains with o-rings. Nothing fancy in any way.
Im pretty well much the same as richard.but with the kays i do i try to give a lube once a week and degrease
it every 2 weeks.Hows the bike going richard hope its
back on the road.
I just spray it with some hi tech stuff - seems to work well - keeps it clean and sticky!

Quite a trick ..

I also use a 'high tech' product that sprays on and does not let go - I am not fond of cleaning the crap off the wheel and bodywork - gave that away in the mid 80's when I went to a shaft drive bike and do not wish to contend with it again,

Back on the road, thanks Jamie.

The RH fairing is currently in for the final repair. It is funny riding with only one fairing on - the air sort of fills up on one side, almost creating a small vacuum and sucking the bike over (very slightly). Well, slight at reasonable speeds. I am not going to open it up very much in this half faired state.
Have gone with a ScottOiler and its great, although it took some fiddling to get the balance between the right level of lubrication and having excess flicking off.
trying to chat with others but with no success can someone please help
Hiya Bus, welcome,

If your reffering to the chat from main club page, unfortunately it's not really used anymore by anyone, perhaps we'll re-use it when theres enough interest. In the meantime try this discussion board for any questions or topics of interest that you may have.
What do you want to talk about?

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