busa spotted - arts centre
Hi All,

for the last 2 days now I have spotted a busa parked behind the Arts centre here in melbourne - red/black combo with rear rack & bag on. Just wondering who owns it - its around the corner from my place "Busa riders always count in three's.... 100, 200, 300"

I"ve seen that Busa parked around the Arts centre often Raz.
I think the owner works at Australian Ballet company, 2 Kavanah st, because it's usually parked out the front there.

Cheers Tez
yeah its there again today - but more shiny now
I am around around city road so I past the ballet center & stuff "Busa riders always count in three's.... 100, 200, 300"

Edited by: RaZ80  at: 16/2/07 19:53
Mate i would'nt post where i live,you never know who reads this and maybe after a busa if you get my drift.
I know a guy who did this once and then told everyone he was going on holidays.When he got back he was minus 3 bikes from his garage.
Back in black!Edited by: rocket rod 7777  at: 16/2/07 10:36
Raz I know who Rockets talking about, I reckon your pretty safe, everbody likes you. And when your away, wouldn't you be on your Busa. duh
good point - maybe too trusting - but got gps tracking on there now so it rings me if it even feels like its going to get moved - in which case I'd be at the persons head with a bat before they get far

However in saying that as well - I am never far from it & its never left at home alone - I ride it where ever atm for the reasons above "Busa riders always count in three's.... 100, 200, 300"

Edited by: RaZ80  at: 16/2/07 19:56
Quote:got gps tracking on there now
what sort of and what make did you go with REGARDS ROD
kangaroos1996@msn.comEdited by: ROD at: 19/2/07 7:00
The other good thing about the gps tracking is we just need to follow you around for a few minutes then we will always know where you are by tracking you ourselves... haha..
Rod - got it for 1100.... will talk with you more about it ;)

Aza - only if you know my gps codes good luck "Busa riders always count in three's.... 100, 200, 300"

Yep, thats why I need to follow you for 3 minutes, or I could just park beside you at work to get the fix on it :-)

Anyways, I think its an ok idea. My mate had his harley stolen in the city while it was parked outside his office.. Probably no more than 20 metres away. Bit hard to see while you inside though. He would have been notified within seconds of it moving and been out there not long after. Not that your going to chase down a couple of thugs necessarily but perhaps walking there way with a smith and wesson pointed their direction might deter them that once.

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