Sydney - NSW Ride Day Calendar
G'Day All and HNY....

Who is going to run the Syney area RIDE Day Calendar for 2003?

Even though I am already regretting the decision, I have decided not to get a new Bus until early next year (2004), unless I win lotto of course!!

So who is going to get the ball rolling......???

Well if the ball is rolling it isn't obvious on this board
Went to the drive in (blacktown) and have noticed some car groups show up sometimes.for example the EH holden club and the valiant club.
IDEA... How about a busa ride on saturday then all go to the drive in for a couple of movies,all that is required is a blanket or a seat.before it gets to cold.Meet at the cricketers arms (great pub)at the entrance to the drive in after a short afternoon ride.

IT would be interesting to see alot of busas at the drive in .
Expressions of interest..

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