VIC ride Sunday 9th February
Anybody interested in a ride on Sunday 8th February?

No route or destination set as yet, happy to hear of interest or ideas.


(edited to change date in subject line...) Edited by: demeester  at: 2/2/03 2:25:27 pm
Of course, that should be Sunday 9th February!
I'm planning on a ride next Sunday, weather and Wife permitting. I'll intended to head up to Yea. I know a few quiet back roads, it's a nice scenic ride. I always stop and have a latte at Marmalades cafe near the end of town.
Lets see what kind of a response you get Scott.
Ride safe. Regards Phil.
P.S. I'm heading up to Yea tomorrow also. (Sunday Feb 2 about 1030hrs) Anyone interested? I'll check the board first thing in the morning.
That sounds pretty good to me Phil for next Sunday. I have already a couple of other members in for the ride that I rang because they don't visit the board.

I'll contact you later in the week to sort out an exact route, no need to put exact details of that on the internet, know what I mean?

Talking to a few other members, I think we need to get a proper corner marking system organised so that people know where to go and we don't have to keep stopping every 20 minutes.

Ideas/comments anyone?
went for a midweek ride with the bmw club by invitation about 6 weeks ago, they are by far the most organised group i have ever ridden with,,

the ride captain wears a bright vest, the tail end charley also wears one and the ride captain points to the next rider immediately behind him to mark the corner and evey rider sequencially has turns doing the same, most corners are marked at two points, some at four points (at the direction of the ride capation), no one can ever get lost, each person is given a route map before the ride,,

no one ever overtakes the ride caption, there is some jockeying for postion (and it's allowed) and whilst they are mostly an older group, the pace was not too bad - nothing like busa speeds but still well over the limit at times, after all they are bmw's.......
I know exactley what you mean Scott. (Can't be to careful)
Had a great ride to Yea today. Quite a few bikes out there.
Got the usual response from the board! Don't know why we bother sometimes. Short notice, no takers. Lots of notice, lots of excuses. Just my 2c worth.
I'll keep an eye on the board this week. See what happens.
Ride safe. Cheers Phil.
Sorry Phil, I didn't read your post until Sunday 10.00am, no point replying then.

Les, that's interesting. Sounds very similar to what Wayne and I have been talking about in regard to marking corners. The other club that he rides with use a very similar system where the second and third riders stop and mark the corner and wait for the tail end Charlie who does not let anyone get behind him, I really think we should get it going. I also know another guy whose club use that system.

"Ride Captain", I like that. Will suit you down to the ground I think Les. So will we be seeing you on Sunday with your newly acquired bright yellow jacket?

I'll send you an email tomorrow Phil.
I thought the idea with bike riding was to follow your nose and no rules!

Ulysses Club membership is available for those that can't keep up or can't follow a route.

My view might be out there but Sheesh we don't need more rules!

I'll come for a ride on Sundy. Put a meeting time and place up A.S.A.P, please.
I'de be interested also, but lets not sterilize it too much.
Who said anything about rules?

Just not much fun when half the group gets lost and separated, that's all. And even less fun when the whole group has to stop for 10 minutes at each turn off.

Meet 10.00am Mobil servo Whittlesea.

There will also be a meeting place 8.30am Bacchus Marsh Apco servo. If there is anyone coming from the east, you may wish to have a meeting place over there somewhere as well.

ie. the two groups can then meet in Whittlesea. We've done that before, it worked OK (except the group from the east were late as buggery).

Exact route not yet finalised.
Yes count me in for the ride.
Had a ride up to Yea last friday,finnish work at 12.30pm on fridays so l always ride out somewhere & this last sunday l went up to Reefton then across to marysville now thats a top
road if you like the twisties! heaps of bikes.
l'm from the east sub! is anyone meeting at macca's cnr springvale rd nunawading.
hi scott,,

well actually sundays are always a bit difficult for me cos the other little bike club i belong to only rides on sundays and i usually try and support them by attending,,

as a matter of fact on the 9th we will probably join the mra poker run which is being held in memory of their late president...john pigot,,

$20 entry fee.....proceeds go to the stroke foundation, prizes for the best poker hand, you pick cards at each of the designated stops, starting time 9AM till 10 AM at Greensborough...1st stop Kinglake..2nd stop Healesville..3rd stop Emerald and then onto a BBQ at Cardinia Reservoir Park,,

don't wish to distract anyone from their plans but this sounds like a pretty good little ride/social and there is bound to be a lot of bikes if the weather works out good - just a thought,,

So are you trying to tell me that I am not going to get to see you in that bright yellow jacket Les?

Maybe next time huh.
Remember how long we waited at the Mobil sevo in Whittlesea last time for the Melb riders to show up Scott?????
I received your E mail, will have a look at the route on the map. Sounds good.
I'll be in touch. Ride safe.
Cheers, Phil.

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