Camp Quality Ride......
They'll be right, they can top and tail.
Ruffy and crew, sorry to say that I'm out for this weekend. Bike is still at Croyden being sorted no idea when it will be ready.

Bugger Bugger Bugger

Good luck guys have a great day. Bruce
N2O no laughing matter
f*** nos I've got Velocity
Hey Heidi,

Will you still be riding up with Me and Max on Saturday?

This will be my last decent ride for a couple of months. Brisvegas for work 26-28 Feb and then Alice Springs from 5 March to 2 May.

Ye ha!
Edited by: Busdriver  at: 14/2/07 18:47
Absolutely big dude. We are talking meeting points tomorrow at bike nite. Max can fill you in. We can meet at the servo or my place. Max sometimes prefers my place because it means he can drag me out of the shower and sling me on the bike when I am running late.

I'm working dayshift tomorrow. Have to do an overtime shift to make up for the lost penalties by taking leave over the weekend. Will try and make bike nite.

Your place maybe better.

Did you find your rear seat?

Do you have a rack to get your spare lid and gloves to Sydeny?
Edited by: Busdriver  at: 14/2/07 18:59
Heidi's place, what sort of time are you thinking? if we go to the Macas in Sydney? Is the place we're going to just North of the Gong? If so we can go via Bowral perhaps and up the coast.

Max Madmax - GSX1300R Black and Grey Buses Rule
Good Bike, Good Woman, Good Road, Good Weather, Good God - Good Bye!
Smith and Wesson - The original point and click interface.
Some people are alive only because it's illegal to kill them.
Speedz and Taub - can you guys be at RoseHill at 11.15am for an 11.30 getaway tomorrow so we will have a couple of minutes to catch up with the Canberra gang before we start?

See you there


Righto, here it is,
we're leaving Heidi's place at 0830, Busdriver has the map I understand, Heidi has the route all planned out. With God's grace and a lot of luck we'll be there on time.

Max Madmax - GSX1300R Black and Grey Buses Rule
Good Bike, Good Woman, Good Road, Good Weather, Good God - Good Bye!
Smith and Wesson - The original point and click interface.
Some people are alive only because it's illegal to kill them.
Do we really need to actually go to Rosehill in Sydney on the way up?????

I've just been looking at maps and we can exit the Hume at the skydiving exit north of Pheasants nest and go down thru Appin and Appin rd joining the F6 Southern freeway just south of the Ride meeting point at Helensburgh.

Just seems like and extra 1 1/2 hours or more to eventually all get to the same place??

Edited by: Busdriver  at: 16/2/07 11:10
DUDE! READ THE PREVIOUS POSTS! All this 'The Navigator' nonsense has gone to your head. I'm leading til we get close. We'll go Bungendore, Tarrago Rd, pop out at Goulbourne, 30kms of Hume then in at Marulan via Sutton Forrest back roads then I think we connect with the road that goes down to the Gong (Illawarra Highway?). I can get us close and it shouldn't take much more time than the Hume, but it is a lot more interesting. Once we get close, you take over with your unerring locator beacon.

We'll meet everyone at the first meeting place which is a servo close by. There is no need for us to go anywhere near Sydney. I'm going back to re-read the posts so I can be backup navigator and know where the servo is.
I agree bloke. All we really need is a place to all meet before we head to the Tops for the ride.

Any suggestions for you Sydney siders with regard to Busdriver's route???

Max Madmax - GSX1300R Black and Grey Buses Rule
Good Bike, Good Woman, Good Road, Good Weather, Good God - Good Bye!
Smith and Wesson - The original point and click interface.
Some people are alive only because it's illegal to kill them.

We're going to get lost aren't we.
I'm not. I've printed my maps. I know where I'm going.

Except I still don't know where your place is. All I ever do is follow Max.

Servo would be a better idea. What about Williamsdale??

I have a MAP! We'll meet everyone at the Old Princess Highway Helenburg, near the golf driving range.

Does that suit you Ruffy??

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