Sydney-Sofala-Oberon ride
On the ride last Sunday I mentioned a great ride that we could do.

We would go up the Bell road to Lithgow, then towards Mudgee - then turn off at Ilford for the newly surfaced road to Sofala and on to Bathurst for lunch (perfect busa road!). There's a good cafe I know in Bathurst - we can also check out the motor museum and do a few laps of Mount Panorama.
Then some good back roads to Oberon, more good stuff to Hartley and back to Sydney.

Ive done this run a few times can vouch for the fun factor!

Count me in!
Count us in too.
Safe riding....
Greg & Yvonne
The ride day sounds good! Just need to know when were going? and where shall we meet?

Tony De

P.S. Great ride last sunday and looking foward to this ride.
Hi all
I agree, a date would be a good start. Parklee markets meeting point worked last time, so it should be alright again. What about a start time? I suggest earlier this time as there are more K's to cover.

The date ive put aside is sunday 3rd November - is this okay for all? Yes, an earlier start is a good idea - how about we aim for 7.30 meet with a departure at no later than 8am? (or half and hour later if you really dont like early rising!!)
Also, I suggest we meet at Maccas at Kellyville as anyone that has a bit of ride to get there can grab a coffee etc before we start off - there is also a servo there I think. Maccas is just a bit up the road on the left, after turning into Windsor rd from Old Windsor rd (its on the corner of Merriville Rd and Windsor rd.)
We should get to Bathurst by 1pm depending on start time. Fuel stop/smoko at Lithgow may be an idea.
The ride from Bathurst to Sydney can be done in about 3 hrs so we can decide how long we want to spend in Bathurst at the time.
I looking forward to it already ........ Cheers,David
G'day all

3rd November suits me and I am happy to meet
whenever... Sounds like another great day....

Cya all soon
Glad you can make it Jay - although I hope its not as hot on the ride as it was today! Cheers,David
Sounds like a great ride, I'll check my calendar to see if its free. The only trouble I see is I have to travel down from Newcastle, that means getting out of bed at about 4.00am (shit), havn't done that since I was 17. Any other riders from Newcastle interested?, what about you Dave?. I let use know soon if I'm a starter.

Steve (mano)
Sorry guys would love to come but my wife starts work at 5pm so I've got the dirt magnet maybe the next one eh.
me either :(

Would love to go but I have just come home from PI and have gottent the Bus clean at last. Seems a shame to get it dirty so soon.

For Newcastle riders the Bathurst run looks like an overnight to me. Group of us did the following last year.

Newcastle to Broke to the Wollombi pub. Wollombi to Wisemans and then over to the Putty and up to the Bells line and Lithgow for lunch.

After lunch at the Chicken shop at Lithgow, it was out to Oberon and then onto Bathurst and two laps of Panorama. Coldy at a local to recover and change of nappies and then onto Mudgee via Sofala for the night. Next day home via Denman and the Hunter Valley.

Maybe for the next big ride. Sydney riders could meet us on Bells Line. An option for the return trip is Mudgee/Lithgow and then the Putty to Broke and home.

Great roads and going on the response to the Walcha run should be achieved at advanced touring pace!

Maybe a New Year run?


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