Sheepskins...The Good wool store
Well, figure since I will be in Nowra for a wedding tomorrow arvo (from Canb) I might as well duck over to the Good Wool store, Berry NSW.

Thinking the generic $57.50 "solo sheep skin pad" will be a good match for the rider's seat only. Are they worth it?

I ask because last sheepskin I had was hopeless that never stayed still on an old Gs1000 years ago with stretched (no adjustable) elastics. Hopefully this one with "adjustable elastic straps with buckles" will be much better than the old school one. Edited by: monyx at: 9/2/07 14:05
I've had three from them, great quality, go for it.
excellent... they are open 10 AM - 1pm Saturdays! I will see if the missus notices my slight detour down Berry Mtn rd. into Berry instead of Nowra to 1 one up.
Thought it might be time to shout meself one for the big ride down. Have got one on the pillion of the bus and its great. I am getting mine (solo rider pad) from for $39.95. This place is just around the corner from me so no issues about pick up Salutations

If you look like your passport photo, you probably need a holiday

dont do it mark DONT. the sheep skin seat covers automaticly limit you toabout 7k rpm and then in a couple months you will be wearing a little bowls cap and eatin dinner at 4pm You may now refer to me as Sting
Shuddap Sting, you ride a bicycle!
"Busa riders always count in three's.... 100, 200, 300"

Actually just taking a look...see if I can transplant a Goldwing pillion saddle complete with back & arm rests onto the Bus. Want to incorporate heated elements for winter which I will replace with coolant filled gel-packs in summer. Get me a set of them new front-sets to elevate my feet too.
ah heidi your jsut jealous i got chrome wheels and you dont ill have another soon. very soon You may now refer to me as Sting

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