Get really familiar with your bike...
He does service Sydney, and he travels so he might be able to other states as well.

As far as the Dyno is concerned, well the van is big, ha ha ?


MichelleC the only thing I could help you with would be a burnt cd with the workshop manual and parts list very good cd but it is for the 99 busa but most parts should be the same let us know if you are interested as I havent reached my criteria of sending out 5 cds as of yet

regards Bill..
Thanks for the offer Bill...

I've only glanced at the thread about the cd, but it looks like I'd have to make 5 copies for others, then send them out to keep the pyramid going...that's not a problem, except I'd be sending them all back to Australia...not worth the postage for you guys to get a copy from little old me...

It might be better for me to not bother you guys with getting the American chick in the pyramid, unless you know contacts here in the States that might like a copy?

I think I just need to move to Australia so I can see some sights, ride with all the Busas I've seen in photos!

I think you're just trying to get my address!

Take care -

Armed with that, one day you'll open the front door to a band of Aussies touring the States on Hayabusas looking for a couch or floor to crash on!! We're like that, you know
Hi Michelle
I 'm shore we can send you a copy and no need to do another 5. either e-mail bill or myself.
My e-mail is WTFWT
Hi Chelle (another version of Shelley out here)

If ever you did decide to come on over, you'd be more than welcome at our place. Another switched on (smart arse - that part's from Dave) female would serve Dave right (and your hubbie and kids would be welcome too )

A bit more expensive than the postage on the CD but a heck of a lot more fun! We'll take Dave's Bus out while the guys are too busy drinking...whilst cooking our dinner, washing up and babysitting the cretins

Julie (smashed on pain killers after taking on a double b semi 2 days ago therefore not riding)
And you guys are sure MichelleC is not a 15 year old school boy or a 300 pound axe murderer aren't you. CHUMPS!
What about good old fashioned Aussie hospitality??? Don't you remember Hoges doing the "throw another shrimp on the barbie" bit way back when...

If she's a 15 yr old boy, then boy will I be able to teach him a thing or three about housework! And a 300 lb axe murderer?...Dave, where did we put that last cadaver?

So Phil, next time you feel like taking that tongue on a trip o/s, lemme know and I'll arrange a "special" surprise for you at Customs (I was top of my class for Cavity Search II - without Lube)

Cheers, Julie (protecting the Australian community from axe murderers and 15 yr olds alike, by bringing them into my home and scaring the sh*t out of them on the back of the Falco, after they do the housework!)
MMmmmm... I'll take the pepsi challenge.
I've done the odd cavity search myself.
Shall I use the Aussie or British passport???
At least this will keep the Busa boys happy while the're not ridin".
Cheers, Phil. Riding not cavity searchin"
Sorry Phil, I've had to bite MY tongue on this one! What I do want to know is though, is your full name Phil McCavity or Phil McRevice????? Either one will do me fine if your tongue is worth tripping over!!!!!!!!!!!! Jules - always smiling, it keeps everyone guessing!
Lucky Phil,seeing as you keep telling us how much your always riding,i think we should all chip in and give you a medal of honor or is that a chest to pin it on?
HEy phil, I think the adjective "odd" goes well with the verb "cavity search"...

ALthough, I don't know if this all belongs under the topic of getting familiar with your bike.
Well Subby, you can chuck a "Shrimp" on the barbie if you like, but I'll toss a Prawn like everybody else
You'd better get rid of those cadaver's too or they'll start stinking the joint up if you keep em around too long

Cripes GDYUP you've hit a few nerves of late I'm sending you back to dentistry school for remedial training

That rod's worked real well since you got it too, what bait you using this week ? Fly, spinner ?? spinner methinks There's a few gropers around who'll snap at anything
Hey! Who hijacked this thread?

Shelley. Get the cd and enjoyed. No one is gonna expect you to post five out here.

Incidently, I got the cd from the States in the first place. the SH.ORG site is where it all began. You can still get one there with a bit of looking.
Wow...I don't sign on for a few days and I'm being called a 15-year old boy/axe murderer! Can't ever escape my past, can I?!

Richard - if a bunch of Aussies show up at my door to crash on my couch, I don't have any problems with'd have to ask the 2 Great Danes on the couch if they'll share though ...stop by anytime!

Julie - thanks for your'd neither have to train a 15-year old boy how to do housework (I've trained the 35-year old hubby to do mine ), nor have Dave hide the body...just have a few cold beers ready, and we'll sit back and watch the hubbies take care of kids and do dishes! I don't know why Dave would think I'm a smart arse

Oh, and what happened Julie? I think you should share the pain killers if you don't mind! Hope you're okay...

Bill - I'd love a copy of the cd, if the offer's still me if it is, and I'll give you details...I insist on paying email @ work (which is where I live):

Thanks guys (for making me laugh first thing on a Monday morning!)


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