Melbourne riders - possible dyno day
This came to my in-box...

Originally from Stephen Muller so any registration of interest should probably be directed to that email address.

Quote:Hi all,

I'm going to have a dyno day. The date is yet to be set, so is the venue. The venue will depend on numbers.

Attendance is compulsory, so is letting me run your bike until it hits the limiter. There wont be a prize for No.1 because it will be me regardless of reality, I will just adjust the data to suit.

What I do want is an idea of numbers. So can you forward this on to other bike owning friends that might be interested as this email will only go to the "riders" group I have in my address book. So ask / invite who you want and let me know who is interested.

All of the WWWWRiders are interested and have no choice. The date will be weather dependant, and spouses / families can come in cages. I'm guessing this will take a fair amount of organising so once a date is set, we'll try and stick with it, but if the weather is against us we'd better have a backup too. I've volunteered Phil as a helper and 2IC, so you can deal with myself or him.

I want data! For the curious here is a list of bikes tested so far, so comparisons can be made between bikes and bikes that have been run in the past and see what the effect of mods or miles has on the output.

Aprilia 250
Thanks but no thanks,i'de rather wear mine out in the usual way,on the road and not some rev head revving the shit out of it on a dyno!
hmmmmm, it's interesting that you should say that rod, there are some here who assert that revving the living shitter put of a busa on a dyno does no harm at all......
Yeah I'd assert that!
It also sorts the men from the boys with the "BULLSHIT" claims. Not to mention how much better the bike will run!
If you guys ever really rode the Busa you would on occasion hit that rev limiter. It's not a big deal on the road and even less of a big deal on a dyno.
Sorry if this reply hurts some of the more sensitive new age Busa riders. But get a life. Or even better, f*** off and get a more suitable bike.
Could be wrong though?
Just my 2c worth.
Cheers, Phil. Riding not hibernating.
Well if you have to hit the Rev limiter when running a bike on a dyno must be a "SHIT" dyno as the "Good" one's live graph and you down ramp as soon as it shows it's going of power, which is usually at least 1500 Rpm or more before the limiter. Just for the record and benefit of other members, they would be best to ignore comments made by some one who doesn't know jack shit and go and ask for themselves some one who does, the result will be that they shall save themselves money, time, and heart ache.
Just my $2 worth.
so….. revving the shitter out of your busa on a dyno "makes it run better" AND if you ask someone who claims to know, you will save yourself “money, time, and heart ache”… hmmm … even more interesting

just my jack shit observations
Cant forget guys,babybusa has had 5 busas,he must know best ,anyway a dyno day sounds good.
Don't think it says ask some one who "Claims" to know..........think it says does know................just a slight difference.
You always give plenty of advice busababy..........mayb'e with good intention mayb'e with malice ............who knows ? Sadly it's almost always wrong and leads people astray. Any advice that misleads people cannot be regarded as constructive !

Just and honest observation FF1
i and most people here understand that this is a discussion board and my comments are just my "opinions" and not "advice",,

you on the other hand jump on here and give advice (anonymously) and that’s ok too... i suppose, but don’t make out that you are the last and only expert in the busa world, cos that you aint and we both know that, don’t we peter??

so by all means come and give your comments, your opinions and your advice if you wish, but recognise that my input here is my 2c worth, so just retract your fangs! and same applies to gforce too.....


Im not telling anyone else not to go on the dyno,if you want to thrash the shit out of your bike....go for it!I can understand dyno tuning your bike for modifications,but this sounds more like a "whose got the most hp" and frankly i dont give a continental and as far as qualifications go i'm a qualified mechanic so i know f*** all compaired to you bench racers My 2c worth!
Aaah the microwave popcorn is ready.
Anyone want some???

Not riding, just crashing and stirring sh%t.
Ok, I'm riding as well.
Not really...just monoing
Exactly right, that's where the harm will come from with any dyno run if there is inadequate cooling air pumped around the engine

I have a photo out of an old bike service manual dating back to the 1930's showing a Panther 600 Sloper on a Water Brake Dynomometer. Even back then they obviously saw no harm in proving engine output prior to sale
Hey FFG save some of that popcorn, I'll bring the crownies......

Seriously though if your not interested in mods to your bike your probably not interested in dyno runs either, but for those people out there who can ride harder than others and who do seek more HP this is a good point of reference for "what to do, and what not to do" to ones bike.....end of story.

Some people bought busa's for touring, some bought them for scratching and the others bought them for HP projects, who cares in the end, as long as your riding it, (some of us look at it too much though and are afraid to change anything on it)
buts that's their porogative......

Ciao for now....Paul
munch munch - spit spit, popcorn aint what it used to be, FFG stop hogging the cola - pass it on.

Oh I registered my interest - Doh! dyno or no dyno should be a nice day out.

Ehh boring, off to cat fight in ladies thread and if that boring always got shortys avatar for entertainment.
In case you haven't noticed, I ride a VTR, so I'm not sure if I'm qualified to post on the BUS board.........!! But I will anyway........Maybe I should hang shit on 'em. Now that might produce a good thread & abuse, and a good run on the instant popcorn around the country . Nah, maybe some other time .

Man some of you guys stir easily, kewl.......As FFG says, good for a crunch & a sip.....mmmm beeeeerrrr!

A dyno day. If you want to check your bike, standard or modified, against specs - GO FOR IT!!! Who cares. If you happen to blow your bike up, well it's your bike - do with it what you please. If you redline it on the road, fine, enjoy, just don't crash into me doin' it!

Phil, I think your talents are wasted here, but then again they usually produce the required result .

Mark - riding the V-Twin pulse, not the sewing machine hum & watchin' those monos, FFG - yeehah!

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