Victorian Sunday ride day
As I posted on the new member discussion. I'm heading out for a ride this Sunday. I'll be departing Sunbury Maccas (near the corner of Horne St and Riddell Rd Sunbury) at 0900 hrs.
Anyone interested let me know. We'll choose from a couple of destinations on the day.
Cheers for now. Phil.
Riding not talking.
9 am, Sunbury. Pushing it! But maybe.
Would love to but gotta work.

The more the merrier Richard.
Maybe next time Viking. Work sucks, I'm off every second weekend.
The weather looks good for Sunday. Take care where ever you all are riding. And watch out for the cops!:">
Cheers Phil.
Count me in GDY Might have another starter as well

There might be some bloke on a 600 coming so he can leave Saturday, know him ? Might have to do a few mods on that sucker

The 600 can't make it this time. And a few mods are on the way. "Your starter" isn't one of your Chapel St cruiser mates is it rev01??? If so we will have to stop at every cafe on the way for a capachino and to look at our reflection in the shop window. (Just to check that our gelati matched leathers look the couta!)
See you tomorrow morning. I see all the ones that have asked for rides to be posted are conspicuios by their absense. (Again)
Regards Phil. (Riding not talking)
Sorry, would love to but can't make it.

<--------- Thanks to DeMeester and Bigshow for the help
Peter Altas
no worries peter...that is a nice gif

re: sunday cruise, likewise I'd love to, but I already did my best pose for the week down the GOR yesterday...

It'll be winter real soon so ya just gotta make hay while the sun shines

Motorcycling as a recreation has too many other distractions, mainly of the female type methinks

You know how it goes: "what ! squark squark, another ride in the same year ! you cannot be serious, it's me or the bike "

By the time you get the wife/family squared away it's hello Harley & greybeards & goodbye Hayabusa. No no not that, anything but that, I'll go I'll go !
nice picture, looks like 5 weapons of mass destruction.....
Hows this, i have my girlfriend over and she's happy to hang round the house while i am at work but i suggested i might take a sickie to go on the ride and she cracked the shits. I not allowed to have fun while she's board alone round the house. I think i understand you.

Ha! Just wait until you are married with three kids and a huge mortgage. (Like me) It only gets better. (Not)
For those out there that have permission, see you tomorrow morning at Sunbury Maccas. (If the Misses lets me go?)
Cheers, Phil. Riding (If I'm allowed too) not talking.
Same shit over here

Wanna go for a ride and I get the whole guilt trip thing....

and we're not even married yet!!!

Mention came up about the lack of money and selling the Busa, and the foot must be laid down... she'll walk to work before that'll happen!!

Looks like you had alot of fun on the GOR there Bigshow. But on those tight twisties, i can't see you putting up much of a fight!!
Peter Altas
Looks like the missus needs a bit of training then.....Just like dogs really.Speaking of dogs,just got a new bully puppy last week.He tear arses around like me on the bike,so he has been named after the great machine....BUSSA... of coarse! Yes dear, i'm comming to mow the lawn now.
Sorry Phil, I was working this weekend.

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