Only gone for a minute
Hey guys,
Almost back on the road
I am chasing a thread on batteries for the bus, I thought I saw it a little while ago but I cant find it, also what oil are we using at the moment((cheap but good)).
Where is Josh ??
Thx. J.B
heres the link.
Does that help??
Z Web World

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Ta Pete.
I bought a Yuasa YT12A-BS from Battery world for $142.
It lasted 1 month before it died.
I replaced it yesterday with a RoadStar from the local Suzuki shop for $72 The Roadstar is a CTX12A-BS I think.
Has anybody else had this sort of problem where a new battery doesn't last?
When I picked the Yuasa up from the shop it was packed and charged and they said it was ready to go straight into the bike. On the other hand the Suzuki shop insisted on putting the Roadstar straight on the charge for 2 hours before using it. They also checked the charging at idle and 5000 revs to confirm all was ok. (I had already checked but wasn't sure because the battery kept going flat).
The last straw for the Yuasa was when I threw it on the trickle charger for 15 hours and it still only showed 25% charge. Rgds BUSGO
I think I was quoted 150 from them down here.
Got mine from a member here, it was as new had to have acid put in it and all.
After about 6 months now I think, the other night I had to jump start it again, but before it still wouldn't crank enough when driven.
That is fine.
I don't ride it enough at the moment and I put it down to that.
I reckon they have to be started at least twice a week... Cheers,
Z Web World

Sound ya horn when
going past a manned speed camera.
Let's all give them a protest blast!

You can make a difference!
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dunno about you guys and yuasa, but mine is still the yuasa oem @ over 6 years now and still working. if ya dont ride it hows it gonna charge?
you should put a bigger battery in the bus

one out of an late hoonda st1300 fits and is a great improvement over the standard busa spec unit

If there is something wrong with it, the solution is always " MORE HORSEPOWER"
Busgo... pick up your new battery and put it on the charger for 8 hours or more. If you use them straight away after they add the acid, they get a memory at about 25% charge.
Thanks BEE.
I'll stick it on and check the charge.
My charger only goes down to 2amps and the battery recommends 1.2amps for 5 to 10 hours.
Can anyone tell me if 2amps for 5 hours harm the battery?
Hi Guys,
I have just been through the reverse of Busgo's experience. I got no life out of my last battery and have now put in a Yuasa that seems to be working well.

When I bought it the guy said that it should not be charged by a charger that puts out more than around 500mA; I think he recommended 350 mA. He said that heat from high charging amperage can bend plates and stuff up a cell. That was on the button for me as I was crook for a while and not riding the bike much. The battery would go flat and I'd leave it on an 8 amp charger for a few hours. Bad move!

Cheers Frank.

Thanks guys.
I ended up sticking it on the 1.6amp trickle charger for 5 hours and then road all day Sunday. I will be surprised if BatteryWorld honour their warranty and refund my
The new one seems fine so far. (Touching wood)

Gee these threads trickle down the list fast these days.
I managed to get a refund from BatteryWorld.
They tested and retested the battery to come to the conclusion that "Yes" it won't hold a charge.
Mind you, I had to convince them that I didn't need a replacement battery, cause I had already bought another one.
Yippee money to respend.
Dont forget me Busgo Cheers,

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