Bah... wrote my busa off last week on the Putty Road in NSW.

broke my right femur as well, got to spend the week in hospital, managed to get home last night though,

ah well, can walk again in about 3 months so will be looking for a new busa around that time......
Hey Wearlej
Sorry to hear that mate . Hope you recover well, and hope you find another busa soon. Good to hear you still wanna ride.

Grant 'MacBusa'
That is really bad news particularly about the broken femur. Hope you recover well and it doesn't give you ongoing problems.

It shouldn't cause too many hassles, it was a very very clean break apparently and a fairly straightforward operation to nail the thing back together. hurts a fair bit though!

*very* glad i was wearing decent gear though, one of the docs (i think) said that my leathers were the only thing that held my leg together and prevented a compound fracture, given where the break is and the time it took the ambos to get to me I probably would have bled to death otherwise..

So... just need to decide on what colour for the next Busa...
Sorry to hear that hope you get back on one soon, may i ask the circumstances surrounding the step off, I have done the putty a few times and have found there to be gravel, bark and other foreign objects on the road not to mention having to deal with Knobs in tin tops!!
All the best.
Thats very sad to hear wearlej I hope you have a swift and smooth recovery.
Good to hear that you survived to live another day mate.
and that you were riding with good protective gear on

Bikes can be replaced..............

I cant remember how many dickheads I've seen this summer riding big cube bikes in T-shirts , shorts and thongs along with there gals on the back dressed in similar attire.

All the best and hope ya wounds dont last for too long.

Its great to hear you will be OK. Hope you get back on a new busa soon!
Speedy recovery. The most painful part of coming of a bike and then the Ambo trip and the hospital treatment is of course facing the wrath of the Misses. The bruises heal and get better, but the Misses never lets you forget. At least they care, I suppose.
Never dampened my enthusiasm though. (Like yours)
Get well soon. Hope you don't cop too much greif.
Cheers, Phil.
Best wishes for a quick recouperation.

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