What day suits for group day at Broadford?
Yes Luc, the 13th is with the Superbike School. Did you know that you can go top Winton any Friday for $100?
How do the friday practice sessions work? How many 1/2 hour sessions do you get? I'm guessing the $125 is a premium for a weekend date...
It depends how many groups they have. The day I was there they had two groups to begin with, but for two rotations in the middle of the day they had three groups because a few more cars rolled up for a go, but then a few left a bit later so they went back to two groups (the cars are put in a separate group to the bikes).

They don't close the track for lunch and there is no marshalling. I did about 6 or 7 30 min sessions, could have done one more, but I was buggered.

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