Brisbane ride report
Sunday 17th dawned overcast with a threat of rain in the air but that did not stop 6 intrepid souls from braving the elements (it is Qld) and setting off for what turned out to be a bloody good ride.
The Caltex Carseldine turned out to be too hard to find for anybody else and Rosie and I sat there giving our best "shag on a rock" impression until we finally left on our own to ride over the ranges to meet up with the South siders.
Pissed off? you betcha! There were 3 mobile numbers posted on this board, the least that could have done was a lousy phone call to let us know.:">
OK no more bitchin' on with the ride.
After a cold, foggy ride up over Mt. Glorious we arrived 40 mins. late at Esk where Bill and Ken on Busas, Lloyd on an immaculate new Bandit and John on a mid 80s Honda 4 were waiting patiently (thanks guys) for our arrival.
It was decided to ride to Johs country (Kingaroy) for lunch but on leaving Esk it appeared that there was a patrol car allotted to each bike. There was bloody wallopers every where.
It was too much for Pooh who pulled off and sat trembling in a side street until the threat was over. Something you're not telling us Ken?
Anyway on to Kingaroy, great ride, lots of fast straights and long fast sweepers. The speeds were kept to an affordable level but the further west we rode the colder it became until we arrived in Kingaroy cold as frogs and sorely in need of a Bundy and/or coffee.
The pub didn't serve meals on a Sunday but seeing as though there were 6 of us came up with what must have been the best steak sandwiches in Qld.
It was a bike friendly pub and we were all invited to return.
It was about here that John realized that old Bol d'ors need to be followed by a fuel truck. Poor bloke, in its current state of tune the Honda was only giving about 150 ks to a tank which resulted in him arriving at the pub somewhat later than the rest of us.
For the next couple of hours we chatted and got to know one another.......what a diverse bunch of bastards we were! thrown together by a common love of everything 2 wheels.
After we saddled up everyone returned back the way we came to the Esk turnoff where we went straight on home through Kilcoy and Caboolture and the others went via Esk and Fernvale to their respective destinations.
Rosie and I had a great time and would certainly be up for another ride. Maybe after Phillip Island sometime.
No one got booked (eh Pooh) no one got a scratch and I think everybody had a good time so I think it must be deemed a successful ride despite the lousy start.
It was slightly damp riding over Mt Glorious and we got sprinkled on coming down the range from Blackbutt but other than that no rain and no slips and slides.
"Man of the ride" or should that be "Person of the ride" (Geez this political correctness gives me the shits) must go to John on the Bol d'or. You are a legend mate, it was running on 3 cylinders more time than not, it ate juice like it was 20 cent a litre and an overtaking manouvre required an innordinate ammount of time on the wrong side of the road to complete.
I wouldn't have taken that bike further than spitting distance from a repairer. It just goes to prove that you do not need to have the latest and greatest to enjoy motorcycling to the fullest.
See ya next time guys, maybe we will get a better turnout and a couple of girls wouldn't go astray either.
Quote:The pub didn't serve meals on a Sunday

Sounds like, as always, a good run...

I know what you mean about ppl not calling...
lol ChopperBob it was more like 110 ks/tank at the moment he is out looking for a new ride (well second hand anyways) does anyone know of any decent touring bikes up for sale around the 5k mark if so get in touch with me and i'll pass the info on.
Bob my man looks like Lloyd and I got the bug really bad after that ride we gonna do a shorter one around the Lake Wivenhow and Somerset dam in 2 weeks you in for another run thought maybe a BBQ this time instead of a pub lunch, nap sack with a couple of snags and steak in it maybe a couple of cold drinks sit back and look at he water for a few hrs. let us know if ya interested and anymore takers get intouch guys u missed a great day on Sunday wouldnt want ya to miss another 1

cheers Bill
G'day Bill,
Your future ride sounds good mate, the BBQ on the water won me straight away. A BBQ and a ride.......have I died and gone to heaven or what?
Only problem is the timing, I go back to work on Aug 27th and don't get home until Sept 10th and then home for 2 weeks so if you can possibly hang off until I get home then count me in. If not then I will catch up next time.
Hello from south brisvegas
was pissin down here Sunday morning hence i bailed. glad ta hear ya had good time.
Would certainly like to go on dat ride/bbq ya planning. My lady and I are of to Adelaide on 27 Aug then back after 14 Sep so if you can hold of till then we would like to be along.

We are taking the busa down through the middle and coming back around the coast.
G'day Tom,
Sorry we missed ya last Sun. The ride was good, hope you can come on the next one.
If you are back after the 14th Sept how 'bout the 21st for the ride/bbq. Hey Bill, does that suit you and Lloyd?
Speaking of the 14th Sept. That is the date of the Mapleton motorcycle show. Is any one interested in going, I went last year and it was really good, well worth the ride and a bloody good day out.
I will be going for sure. Let me know if you are interested and we can meet somewhere.
Bob as for the 21st it sounds ok to me will book that date in and as for the Mapleton bike show where the f*** is Mapleton? At least I know that you will come along on the next ride Bob and I hope to be bringing my wife along to so cya then

Regards Bill
I agree people should have the maturity to let other's know if their bailing
As for the cops !!! I thought I was in the middle of a cop car convoy cars in front and behind.

One for the guy's that bailed at the last minuit?? The cops seemed quite pleased that their timing was spot on THANKS!!!!!
Where's Mapleton eh? Mate do I have a ride for you!
Mapleton is in the Sunshine coast hinterland right up on top of a ridgeline. There is a magic pub there(which serves meals on weekends) and the roads in the area are sensational. Very busy traffic and coppers on weekends but a fantastic mid week ride.
The motorcycle show is a must go so let me know if you or anyone else is interested. Be nice to have a mob of Busas roll up together.
Done deal dude count me in

regards Bill
21st sep sounds good to me add another busa to the ride
look forward to details

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