Next years Busa ride, were?? suggestions please.
Start now because it will take some debating. Cheers,
I had a great time in jindy, so maybe we can do it in the last weekend in Jan. In any case i will be there, as the year progresses, i have a few suggestions . But over all , i had a great time.

Somewhere halfway between Vic and Qld, maybe coffs or something??
Before any QUEENSLANDER'S start COMPLAINING about the distance just hold the phone I just want to say even with my mishap I would go again. Yeah sure it might be a fair way but unless you have ridden any of the roads you dont know what your talking about or missing out on.
aBUSa & I made a weeks holiday of it, we left on the tuesday & by the time we hit jindy we had done 2500k's anyway.
I dont think we have much up here to compare the roads with,
as the speeds & road condition were awesome .
Yeah the wet was a shit around the loop but we did it.
Maybe some people just really dont like to ride any long distances for 1 reason or another & that's fine .
Or maybe it just the time of year thats the problem.

The food at jindy was'nt to good for the money seamed to be a beef with a lot of people I spoke to over the weekend.

Maybe where ever it goes next time we should think about taking along a recovery support vehicle for any damaged bike's.
I think everyone would allways like it closer to home no matter where it is.
cya shane
I haven't got a problem with Jindabine itself as a destination, maybe the weather at this time of the year causes problems for others who might otherwise come along to boost numbers.

The storms we rode through had to be seen to be believed !
I have not seen ANYTHING like it ever !!!!!!!!! Deja vu from last year and then some
Not the safest conditions by any means & if we keep it up I'll be looking for a rat bike just for Jindy.

Maybe March/April might be better ? don't care myself, I'll fit in with what ever the majority decides. And if you want to go further North or even South I'll be in that too

You're right about the tucker Shred, it's gone off quite a bit since last time, $30 for a glorified pub meal was a bit rich & the barby was pretty ordinary too l Good chefs never stay in the one place too long & who'd want to be living & working there with those NSW hill billy's anyway ?

The bloke behind the bar on Saturday night was a big un huh ?

Wonder why he was let out of his cage hmmmm......... could it be ?.............................. nah.......... not going there

The roads are the best in the country IMHO although Tassie rates highly as well with blokes I know who have been there.

Edited by: rev 01 at: 5/12/05 6:44 pm
I know the bar manager got a black eye off one of the riders, I know because I watched. he got what he deserved as he himself applogised to the "belter". Yeh the food was a bit ordinary, but what should get for 30 bucks? dont forget you couyld have gone seconds or thirds if hungry enough. Cheers,
Glad you all enjoyed it but like I have said a dozen times before a trip like that would be a 4 week thing for me 1 week for the trip and 3 weeks recovering at the chiro's so at this stage I am not going to say anthing about any other suggestions for the annual meet n greet I will be happy just to sit at home and listen to the tales of the journey also being self employed is a hassel to try and organise time off in advance the only time off I get is when work slows a bit and I have a week or so off then back into it again

But in saying that a 4 day weekend is quite doable for me so yeh if it was closer there would be a lot more chance of me going along but then again it would probobly take out a lot of southerners and that isnt what this is all about so majority rules and thats ok by me what ever the club decides is what is going to happen Regards Bill

"Secret Mod Group Is Kicking Butt"

Busa's Rule On The Rest
Coffs Harbour sounds good...
"sometimes, crime does pay"

Employee of the Year
Easyrider Imports

I understand what your saying about being self employed. I stopped work Wednesday at lunchtime and had to bring in a sub to cover for me for the 2 and a half days. It cost me $ big time. But this only happens once a year and I can honestly sat that I had the best time I've had all year. So money well spent

And thanks to Mark, Ray, Brent, Shayne and others for snapping my back in at every stop. Bruce

See here, young man, from Walgett to the sea,
From Conroy’s Gap to Castlereagh, there’s none can ride like me.

Pleasure,Bruce can I do it harder next time. Cheers,
Mudgee or the Hunter Valley.
Blacky if your back is stuffed, maybe a pair of Ray's geezer bars ( can never remember their name ) ?

I rode his bike & the bars were amazingly comfortable with no steering compromises at all & worked surprisingly well with the rear set foot rests

Kawasuki: Thanks very much mate for the opportunity to ride your beautifully presented & all round very well balanced machine

It's a credit to you Ray, well thought out improvements which are quite noticeable & I'm very impressed with it
Busco had a good idea,still do jindy, but at another time of the year do another ride at 'say' coffs for the QLD / NSW boys.

I'm with bus on that one

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