Head mod just in time for Jindy!
What are you worried about kawa?Now you can really find out how much friction the millitec will stop.
This will be your face kawa when things go bump in the night. Phuck its the phantom!
Dont you worry Rockett,DJ 's got plans for you old pal. And he wont be using Militec either Cheers,
Hmmmmm,i like it when hes rough.
I have a bit of a weakness for blondes too,so watch your back Phuck its the phantom!
Dis ees da bikee cleening laydie.
Peeter no hear.
Petee say he can't cum anymore for Jimpy.
He beet worrieed bout youu northeneers ans also the Rock.
Heee says 2 telly u go gettee fuckky and heee see youse all on 2010 jimpy run wheeen the nuw heehaabusa weel bee outie.
P.S Plees execute my eeenglieesh...

Z Web World
Mobile Dj, Web Design,
Photography, Bullshit Artist!
Geez Ray you better give that cleaning lady some of that Militec so she can spit her words out faster Regards Bill

"Secret Mod Group Is Kicking Butt"

Busa's Rule On The Rest

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