Had me bike slightly modified today.
Yer well One very lucky mate who has been released from Swan Districts with no broken bones just lots of bruising. WEAR THE RIGHT GEAR PEOPLE. I put his lack of injuries down to the dragin's, boots gloves helmet and jacket that he was wearing, only thing needs replacing will be the helmet AND MY POOR BUSA

What happened. Well we had a quiet ride out to Toodyay for some lunch and on the way back decided to go have a look at the Peter Brock crash site. We both agreed that there maybe coppa's on the road (double demerits etc) and were taking it real easy. Got to the site, spent a few mins looking over all the stuff there and when it came time to head home Mick suggested a bike swap for the trip home, so he took the Busa and I rode his blackbird. Heading back towards Toodyay road about 2 km from the last hairpin is a sweeping right hander with yellow sign indicating 50km/h approach speed suggested. We were not going that fast but Mick found a gumnut in the middle of the corner and the bike got all out of shape, he applied the brakes, bike stood up and ran off the road into the tree's with Mick being lucky enough (SIC) to do a great impersonation of superman and tumbled down the verge. Lots of moaning and groaning told me he was still alive, slapped him in the face and told him to harden the f*** up (Joke) But yer he was complaining of lower back pain and I decided to call the ambo's, he was all for getting up put me being the cautious bugger I am sat on him till they arrived (yet another joke). Mick got carted off to Swan Districts and I got the Busa trailered home thanks to members on Perthstreetbikes.com

They say a picture is worth a thousand words so here are a couple. Got some from the scene on the mobile, but gotta download them, when I find the data cable lol.

Forgot to add, Mick was discharged from hospital this evening, no broken bones or cuts etc. He is going to be one VERY sore man in the morning as he has a massive load of bruising down his right hand side. Hard to believe but he is one lucky mofo, I was behind him, saw it all happen in slow motion and though f*** f*** f***... He was lucky to avoid any of the dozen or so trees on the side of that bend though the poor Busa found one

Bikes can be replaced, your best mate cannot and I am just glad he is alive.

Oh man that must've been painful for your mate and you watchin your Busa go down. Damn. Insured...or mate carrying his own? Everytime I think about saving $700 pa on insurance i just need to see some pix of aftermatch to remind me to keep paying as 1 off is gonna be more than the premium.

Serious injury (or potential for) does put it all in perspective...but after I recovered from serious t-bone in '98 I jumped straight back on the whinging about my uninsured & wreck 906...
Canberra's Best Silver/Black K5!
Glad to hear your mate is going to live - the last thing we need is another motorcyclist losing his life.

Yeah you're right stuff the bike in the scheme of things (it actually doesn't look too bad to me, but I am also nonplussed about things like this). As long as your mate's alright that's the main thing.
OUCH! I'd say that bike is a gone.... Tim.
I hope it is insured mate.

Your mate is very lucky to not hit a tree. We lost a guy in Newcastle about 1 month ago in similar circumstances.
It is soooo easy to lose it on a different bike to what you are used to.

I'm not using it anyway!
gone?? WTF>?

new front hugger, mirror maybe - I reckon that right panel can be saved, make sure the frame is still straight as with the forks & your off....

If the engine is fine, I'd say about 1300 for respray, 150 to 200 for front hugger, pannel you can pick up second hand for about 200 ~ 250.

That aint gone - that just needs a buff up

Oh Tim, something my old man always said "There are two things in life you never lend out...... your bike & your women... in that order!" "Busa riders always count in three's.... 100, 200, 300"

Edited by: RaZ80  at: 31/12/06 6:28
I hope it is not gone too.
From experience what looks like minor damage to the front end is not minor.
Just make sure it is assessed properly Tim.

I'm not using it anyway!
Geeze.... you got the three biggest fears of a rider happening simultaneously..... knowing somethings about to go horribly wrong and not being able to do anything about it..... watching your best mate heading for disaster and not being able to do anything about it..... watching your bike heading for disaster and you aren't on it to do anything to prevent it.

You get extra points for not dumping the Blackbird whilst all your senses and attention were directed at watching the whole thing unfold !

Glad to hear your mate is ok. Thats the most important thing. With the bike, it can go one of two ways.... either its a lot worse than you think... or its a lot better. I'm hoping its the latter and you don't go through months of insurance claims hell to get back on your busa.

Best of luck to you and I hope your mate has a speedy recovery. The older I get, the better I was. Regards.... Rob
Well put Rob.


I'm not using it anyway!
Thank God your mate is going to be ok, Timj. I hope that the damage to the Hayabusa proves to be superficial only, and nothing structural. I don't agree with the doomsdayer comments about the bike being finished. (Years back I threw my old VF750FD down the road at 160kph, and it cartwheeled and trashed itself, conveniently cutting a path through the little black boy shrubs and preventing me from being taken out by them. It looked a mess at the time, but a lot of elbow grease, second hand parts and a fair measure of luck later, I had it restored and back on the road again). I wouldn't jump to conclusions about your Hayabusa being "gone" yet. Hopefully once the panels are all pulled off your Busa, he damage itself is extremely minor.

Hope your mate gets well soon, and that you get your Busa back on the road quickly, with as little out of pocket expense as possible.

- David
Glad your mate is recovering Tim .

Raz, I think you better add the price of Yoshi cans and possibly tail (rear fairing) scratches, and rear sets. The swing arm may have even been bent, though I doubt it!

More pics will tell the full tale...

Tim, do you get to keep the Blackbird while the Busa's being repaired?
I'm not being a doomsdayer mate, just practical.
When a simple knock off the sidestand costs in the vicinity of $4,000 to fix, an off like this is going to be harsh.

But I hope you are right. I would hate to see a late model busa be broken up for spares.

I'm with Pan Tim. Hold on the the toy bike for your mate.


I'm not using it anyway!
Sorry to hear about your bike Tim, hope Mick recovers quickly

Hey guys,

thanks for all the comments and good wishes for Mick etc. He is fine apart from lots of bruising. He is very still and sore. We went for a look at the crash site today and from where Mick hit the dirt to where he came to a stop was 15m total. Estimate he was doing maybe 30 - 40km/h when he left the road.

The bike took the brunt of the collision, sideswiped a boulder and took out a tree with maybe a 3inch trunk, knocked it off at ground level. So far it appears to be purley cosmetic damage. All plastics are damaged and cracked, front hugger is in lots of little pieces, fron cone is damaged where it hit the tree and ther left hand indicator while still looking intact is 'floating' in the fairing. The steel frame behind the nosecone is bent and twisted a little. The rear hump is badly scratched up and the mount twisted a little tho the steel sub frame appears ok. It looks worse than it probably is, amazing what you notice a day after the event.

My main concern is the fact that when she came to rest it was inverted, the rear wheel was resting on the above mentioned boulder and she was laying on her right had side. when we picked her up there was oil on the fairing on that side too and there have been a few 'drips' from underneath too, I am hoping it came from an overflow or breather pipe somewhere, was a good 5 minutes before we could pick her up, took 3 people to remove to roadside. Started first touch of the button and oil light went straight out so pressure there. Will take it to the dealers on Tuesday morning and let the insurance company know, QBE policy so fingers crossed they will cover it, Micks insurance is comprehensive and also with the same insurer.

Mick is gutted by what has happened and has already offered his BlackBird until the Busa is fixed, but lets be realistic. He is alive the bike will get repaired and I shall save a few dollars to add more bling for when I get her back. Mick has already said he will pay the $500 excess.

I got a 4wd to use while the bike is getting fixed up so all will be ok.


Glad to hear your mates ok and the bike doesnt sound too badly off.I reckon the barge steering of the busa probably caught him off guard a bit?
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