Road Rage
I was out riding to the local flea market with my 12 year old son (Alexander) on board today when we were road raged. I had just passed 4 or 5 cars and ran over double yellow lines when Dickhead in front of us in the blue Ford Ute with the stainless roll bar and other add ons, flicked a cigarette high out the window of his shitmobile, the cigarette hitting me in the chest. At the next intersection, some 200yards up the road I got alongside him when he was stopped and told him how much I admired his smoke tossing. He countered by having a go about the double yellow lines, I called him a tosser, he called me a wanker, I rode on, not wanting my little guy exposed to an obviously very angry fucknuckle . You'd reckon that that was that, a few angry words and you get on with it. Fucknuckle drives between bridge railing and our right side in shitmobile. f*** he was close to our legs and the bike. Automatic danger warnings going off in my head about keeping Alexander safe. I'm turning right and end up beside fucknuckle. He has a screwdriver out the window stabbing towards us , but a good 3 or 4 feet distant so no immediate danger, yelling out that he's going to stab me in the face with said steel spike. I got the bike in neutral and sidestand down. If he opened the drivers door I had to get to him before he got near my son - that was my tactical decision. Nowhere to go in front, lots of crossing traffic. I yelling at him that I'm going to the Police station and wishing like f*** that I had something to belt him with apart from my helmet or gloves. The lights went green, I went back into gear and piut the side stand up. He roars off in front, I liked that, I could see what he was doing but no cross streets so I can't go another way. Cunthooks slows right down and is now waving a green metal baseball bat out to he window. He was doing like 20 kays. I had first engaged and was looking to just plant it and get away from this moron. He indicates right, I indicated right and as I should have been getting into the right turn right lane I hit 1st and rode away to go straight ahead. Nicklenut pulls out of that lane and chases, my little guy has got a very firm grip so I hit through the next red light going left right left through red light, slowing to make sure it was safe to go across, which made me slow, cunthooks is catching up and then goes straght when we turned right through another red light, I really did think he was going to try to ram us. We rode maybe a further kay and pulled up out the front of the Belconnen Police station, gotoff, locked the bike and got away from it heading towards the front doors of the Police station, I was worried he'd ram us. My little guy broke into tears,never seen anger and certainly never been in danger before. Into the front office and felt safe. Sheila in uniform sees what just landed, I gave her a quick brief and she askes if I got his number, which I did, then cunthooks walks into the station. I told the Policewoman that this was the bloke. She grabs us and pulles us behind the counter and into an interview room, Bloke copper starts talking to the clown.
We tell our story in the interview room, he tells his at the front counter, after we tell her the blow by blow she goes looking for the screwdriver and baseball bat. He tells her to f*** off she's not going near his ute without a warrant.
As we left he was assisting Police with their enquiries.
The good side of the story, my son wasn't hurt. The cops were the Good Guys and looked after us. These are General Duties coppers and the salt of the earth. Where were the bulls doing traffic?? Nowhere to be seen, probably out running radar traps.

Stay safe guys there are some f*&^ing idiots out there.

Max Madmax - GSX1300R Black and Blue Buses Rule
Good Bike, Good Woman, Good Road, Good Weather, Good God - Good Bye!
Smith and Wesson - The original point and click interface.
FU@K! what a wanker! hope someone shoves that baseball bat where he thinks the sun shines from!

glad you guys are a-ok! "Busa riders always count in three's.... 100, 200, 300"

You are lucky it worked out that way for you.
I know we were lucky today, when I was settling my little guy down at the station I was surprised at how much I was shaking from the experience. Cunthooks wanted to do us harm. I was shocked at how close Alexander came to danger as was beset with quals about me putting him in danger by chatting cunthooks up in the first place, Fucknose. We came home in one piece, that's the main thing.


Max Madmax - GSX1300R Black and Blue Buses Rule
Good Bike, Good Woman, Good Road, Good Weather, Good God - Good Bye!
Smith and Wesson - The original point and click interface.
Poor little bugger. Why don't you and I take both of them out to Gundaroo, SLOWLY, next time you have the weekend off and we'll give them a nice experience.

Poor little moneky. Seeing you upset probably scared him as much as anything.

Tell them I said hi.

Max, first it was me getting some aggro, now you, they say it comes in threes don't they? Send me an email with the guys rego I think I should be able to arrange a surprise for the prick Good to here the little tacker is ok, he must have felt like he was in the movies only for real!!
Yeh Max send Saracen the details, this c--tface needs a surprise. Cheers,
I don't know whether to say you can be lucky or unlucky in this situation Max.
If the guy performed like this once he may have a history of it and with luck the cops will at least charge him with weapons of intent or some such thing.
I doubt it though unless you've heard back from them by now.
Like Heidi says, If your son likes a ride, make sure you have a real good one again soon.
Glad that you both came out ok Max if ya ever bump into him again just tell him if he keeps going he will end up the same colour as your bike Black n' Blue Regards Bill

"Secret Mod Group Is Kicking Butt"

Busa's Rule On The Rest
Great suggestion heidi, thanks mate. Thanks for the words guys, the little guy is fine, just surprised to see his Daddy shaken up, most fathers are after all invincible and subject to mucho hero worship. What made him laugh was the angry Police woman coming back to our interview room just so angry at fucknuckle she was shaking. She was more upset that I had been.
Best to let this go, if he comes near me agin I'll at least be able to claim self defence with records showing cunthooks was the aggressore. Oh for my old .45 where did Johny put the damned thing???

Max Madmax - GSX1300R Black and Blue Buses Rule
Good Bike, Good Woman, Good Road, Good Weather, Good God - Good Bye!
Smith and Wesson - The original point and click interface.
GEEZ man. Thats sounded like a real nightmare. Glad to know you and your littlle one is ok. Take it easy round nuts especially when your on a bike. As you know just a bump can bring life to a close. I hate reading bout riders loosing their lives.

You did the right thing though. Cops will sort the Dick out.

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