Possible Club Track Day? (Vic)
It seems that from the other topic I posted there is more interest form people to do a track day at Phillip Island than there is in Broadford or Winton.

Who would be interested in going down there on 9th April (Good Friday)? For those of you that may not realise, the are very few track days at the Island on weekends, they are nearly all on weekdays or public holidays, so this may be a good opportunity for you. Cost would be $179 including hot lunch.

Early bookings will most likely be required for this date, so if you are interested, let me know ASAP.
Sounds good. Put me on the list!
can't commit at this stage, too much notice!
I'll send you an email Monday or Tuesday Jon. I have a couple of other busa riders on my list who are "probables" for that day, though I won't be one of them, I'll more than likely be tuning the piano that day.
You buggers. You had to pick the day my missus is expected to be in hospital having my first kid. I don't think I should come.
Peter Altas
Put me down, Scott.

Peter - reschedule.
You have an email Richard.

Looks like we have 4 definates, 2 strong possibles so far.
Don't be silly Pete, I'm SURE she would understand! Women are good like that.

I don't think so Heidi. I'm sure I'd get home to all my shit on the front lawn and the chainsaw revving to get to my bike, followed shortly by my balls.

I'll wait for the next one.
Peter Altas
If anyone wants some more details on this or wants to attend, but doesn't want to post, you can send me an email.

thanks scott hopefully i will get to talk with more of u soon it has been pretty difficult catching up with people with the same disire to stay up right and go bloody fast where possible.!!
Bugger I have to clean the fridge
I remember someone posted a nice photo of them at a ride day on the track. Is there usually a photographer at the track days?

SD Pics.com at sbkschool days...

Keith Muir at champions days...

SD pics get some interesting angles...Keith Muir takes a shiteload of pics
Nice pic...

Ride day piccie of someone I don't know...

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