ozbusa Calendar 2008/2009
Quote:If the printing costs are the big issue, why not do the artwork and make it available as a PDF document and we print out own ?

Thats a great idea. Grant you have had a good few replies

now Regards Richard

“98% of all Harleys ever sold are still on the road. The other 2% made it home.”
thats exactly right busgo.. well said. it's not about makin money.. it's about pride in being apart of the club and showing ya ugly mug and bling bike off ..

Yes, thats a great idea about a pdf file and pint ya own at kodak...

Well.. we'll need to decide what style of calender we all want, what size... what pics and how many per page and etc..

Maybe for the grapic / photoshop guru's out there if they can design 2 pages (i for a pic or pics and the other of the days of the month)

Anyone keen to design an example of the theme of the calender. This design will be something like a snapshot of the calender..

Anyone wanna add to what I wrote? Cheers.Grantwww.blingpartsaustralia.com.au
I dont mind throwing something together. I suggest twin a3 format (standard sizing) but we can add a pic of everyones bike on their b'day. example Pic of my bike on 21st march etc

What ya think

Webdesigner, Photographer and all round hoon :)
yeah thats a good idea... lets hope 2 people don't have the same dates... ...

So A3 size is the way to go aye... sounds good.

Doy uo do any graphic computer art Doohan? Cheers.Grantwww.blingpartsaustralia.com.au
Sorry to reply so late but I've been tied up.
This is a fantastic idea but too expensive to get printed etc.
Asto is right on the money again with the PDF print it yourself idea.
And we have an expert Calendar man, Doohan so it is all possible.
How many bikes could you get in it...12? or more?? Cheers,


Z Web World
Mobile Dj, Web Design, Photography, Bullshit Artist!
I nornalally do 14 month calanders , for advertising reasons it keeps it on the wall a bit longer. Im thinking if you girls out there dont want any models in the cal then just theme it. i.e picture of busa at the beach in summer, picture of busa at the snow in winter etc. then just put the birthday pics down the bottom co-inciding with the correct dates and scatter pics through out the rest of the calander Webdesigner, Photographer and all round hoon :)
na... me personally... i'd prefer justa 'all busa' calender.. if i wanna see girls, i look at the picture mag's..

Well if it's a 14 month calender.... so we'll need 14 bikes + bikes for cover and etc... so in all about 20 good hi-res pics..

Would that sound about right Doohan?

PM me Doohan if theres anything you would like me to organise or sort out.. Cheers.Grantwww.blingpartsaustralia.com.au
Sounds good.
I'm trying to visuallise where the Bday pics would go and how many? Cheers,


Z Web World
Mobile Dj, Web Design, Photography, Bullshit Artist!
So, how much would a printer charge to print one off from a pdf at high quality? 14 A3 pages double sided? It is going to be $30 or $40 per calendar??? Minimum.

If it is $40, and 200 people were willing to pay that much, we could get it done professionally, and still have 500 calendars left over!!!!

It sounds good in theory, but we should find out what the price is... I am just pulling figures out of my arse at the moment, but I reckon it is going to be up there.... Edited by: demeester at: 6/9/06 10:35 am
The "birthday pics" may clutter up the bottom part, but is worth considering, especially for us mugs who don't have a bike in shape to make the top 14.

I reckon one month, or the cover, should be a group shot, maybe taken at Jindabyne...

And, if we get it printed ourselves from pdf, or whatever, what will the print and paper quality by like? Nowhere near a professional calendar, I assume... Is there an "inbetween" - i.e. take in that format to a printer (which we would all do for one off prints), but maybe one person go in and do 300 of them?

I don't think that $10 a calendar, or even $15, is too much - most of us would pay that. We would probably be pushing to get together 700, though - but at $15 each, do you reckon we could get non-club members to part with any hard-earned? If so, then maybe we could look at 700 professionally printed...
I think the pdf is the way to go, great idea. I'm a little biased, but I'd prefer the bikes. If I want to look at girls I go shopping.

P.S. Yup Astro, I have chooks and dogs and possums and fish and am a wildlife carer so I can also have birds, joeys, sugar gliders and reptiles at any one time. last time the sydney gang was in town I had to stop drinking every 4hrs to feed the baby possums while the juveniles created havoc in the garage enclosure behind us and a seagull slipped away in a box. It was all very entertaining.
Dee I think it would just depend where you got the Calendar printed as to quality.
I still think the go is do it yourself as we will have a dept if we them done in a run.
This way I reckon is perfect you pay if you want yours printed.
We could also have an electonic version as wallpaper.
Also I am sure there is software out there that would automatically rotate each month for your desktop....
Keep it simple I say.
I do like the idea though of the Bday bit but wondering how it would look.
We want as many Member bikes without it looking too busy and still classy. Cheers,


Z Web World
Mobile Dj, Web Design, Photography, Bullshit Artist!
i see ya point dee.
i was hoping maybe $20-30 but u r prob right Cheers,


Z Web World
Mobile Dj, Web Design, Photography, Bullshit Artist!
yep I think we really need to work out the feasability of getting them print as a bulk lot (professional) or do it yourself at the local printers.

Where would we start looking for quotes... we need quotes and then we'll go from there...

Lets say quotes for 200 , 500, as 700

Obviously the setup of the printing plates will be the most exzpensive part and the their will be probably not much difference in costs from a 200 to a 500 purchase.

I'll try up here for some quotes... but I do think down south (sydeny or melbourne) would be cheaper than Townsville ?

does this work for ya's

Cheers Bill

The cured Blingaholic

Edited by: Xhiler8r  at: 6/9/06 10:16 pm

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