Engine wouldnt crank over; Part 2
rev 01
Australian VIC Club Member
Posts: 297
(19/9/03 19:16)
Engine wouldn't crank over ?
I wandered out to the garage intending to go for a quick run recently & had to can it due to no cranking action from the starter

The battery voltage was good & a quick check using my $3.50 circuit tester showed no circuit continuity through the clutch lever isolation switch with the lever in. After removal, I could see the contacts through what looks like a moisture drain hole on the underside of the switch & a quick clean with a small jewellers file & all was well, hoping the same doesn't happen to you & if it has I know you will commiserate.

Am inclined to think same thing happened to me today, started no problem. Out for a ride 100k out stopped for coffee and ye old cheezecake wouldnt start after resting up for 40 odd minutes. Starter just dead, no click no nothing. Lights and electrics all showed up but no way of starting it. Finally when all else failed down the hill and jump started it, it fired up and off straight home I went. When safely in the garage, turned it off and tried re-starting - nadda - nuttin - dead. Am sure the battery has plenty charge and not due to any heat. Seems like a circuit thingy somewhere.

So watcha think? like rev's comments above, am no guru rev, if ya can walk me through it would appreciate it, could be a good learning curve for all when and if same happens to another. Played around with the sidestand cutoff switch in and out, no difference. Fuse perhaps? cant be if everything else lit up ok. Starter motor?

Just glad I managed to get it home from Kilmore. <i></i>
Volvie,have you checked the clutch switch????? <i></i>
Clutch switch was the first on the agenda this morning and sure enough that was the culprit. If that happens to anyone else one way of verifying that thats the problem is by depressing the start button when clutch pulled in and no click or nothing (starter) release clutch lever in and out a few times while start still pressed, when contact occurs the starter will start.

Pulled the little blighter out (small oblong black sealed box) cleaned its pushing mechanism from gunk and lightly sanded the contact points in housing using a thin piece of fine sanpaper held with tweezers (for those that dont have fine small jewellery files) while contacts were engaged. All ok for now.

Amazing how 1 little speck between contacts can immobolise your whole bike and costing hundreds with tow here and there. Thx rev ultimately it was your original post that made that first to check out. Thx Rod for your input. <i></i>
As long as it's a goer, that's all that matters Volvi. Mine played up again down at Phillip Island in the wet but has been fine since & has not needed any further attention

I suppose as a precaution you could carry a wire with alligator clips to bridge (join) the clutch lever switch connections & bypass it to crank the engine or just fit a new switch (might save a push start ) <i></i>

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