Probably the wrong forum for a topic like this ...

Snotgurgle - when a little kid froths at the mouth after consuming the goo from the end of his finger?? <i></i>
The noise a kid with a runny nose makes when they draw the snot back up into their nasal cavity.

HEIDI xxx <i></i>
oh thats just charming now isn't it!

you started this Col.

wayne <i></i>

Richard, this is tech. Look at it this way, Education is sometimes had in different ways. This is different. It's all to do with expanding the mind, and I can tell you mine needs expanding right now!

A prize still stands, however you are all on the wrong track. To make this even more interesting since you guys and gals are well and truley barking up the wrong tree, I'll offer a free Service and tune (you pay for the parts at my cost) for the first correct answer.

If no one is close within a few days a hint or two will be added.

Heidi, in your job you have the best chance, but you need to look!

Regards Col

G'day, Gary and Jo.

Look forward to you droping in with the 750. Will be good to have a chat and a coffee. Sorry to see the busa go, but I can understand it.

Regards Col <i></i>
snotgurgle. It is either or:
1. A Gnome.
2. A wine made with dandelion petals.

Personally i think it is the sound a gnome makes when it has drunk waaaay too much dandelion petal wine and burps through its nose whilst sculling more wine. Actually, I had
a friend who made that noise (and action) when he wished to share with us that he had one hell of a headcold....yummy
FFG aka Michael
OH, of course, FFG. Isn't "otgur" Latin for dandelion? I should have spotted that! <i></i>
Dammit FFG, you're just too quick!! The perfectionist in me was trying to find out exactly what sort of gnome a snotgurgle was. There is very little on the web about snotgurgles - all I could find was something in about a book on gnomes in which you could find out exactly what a snotgurgle is, however the Dymocks closest to me didn't have any copies in stock! I gave up after that - I figured I was becoming a bit too obsessed.

Jo <i></i>

Not to bad guys and Gals. Your close but not close enough. Keep looking.

Remember both questions need to be answered.

Regards Col <i></i>
G'day Guys and Gals,

I'm having a chuckle too myself as too the amount of interest into what a SNOTGURGLE is??!! Could it be the backdraft effect when you gulp down a beer or coke as such, breathe or swallow the wrong way, and it comes out your nostrils....literally.....and it only happens when other people are around....Murphy's Law ??!!

Well hi to all, nobody knows me as I only bought a Busa last week. All other owned bikes have been GSX's tho in the last 5 years. Tho ride anything people give me...ZX-9R (did 270km/h on that near Ayers Rock...faaaaaassssttt), Blackbirds, YZF-1, whatever. I have signed for a member twice, but site hasn't been updated yet I think (Richard's email to me).

I'm getting old now, 25y.o., live in Melbourne, and my real name is Peter. Work as an Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (Mechanic) at Moorabbin Airport and somehow always get in trouble by CASA by flying the airplanes too low, or fast, or something !! DOH!!


P.S. somehow who attends bike rallies.....What is the Whale joke??
G'day Peter,

Welcome, and hope you have some fun with us. On a more serious note the others seem to be a reasonable bunch, well thats except me, I'm totally unreasonable, just ask Richard.

Once again, welcome.

Regards Col <i></i>
G'day Jo,

Don't lose heart, your so close.

Hint time.
1- Look into relations with other beings!

2- In Bulgarian look for the word Djudje.

Always keep an open mind and are we having fun?

Regards Col <i></i>

Best of luck with your new bike.

Question though: Why would somebody who works at Moorabin Airport bother going to Ayers Rock to try your bike at 270kph? Are you sure it was a plane that you got in trouble for flying too low (or fast)? Perhaps one with two wheels and no wings!

Sorry Col, no suggestions on the snortgurgle thing.

Regards, Scott W. <i></i>
hi all,,

nice to see the numbers swelling, got no idea what youse are on about (my lack of technical education i suppose) but glad to see that "we are having fun" - not even gunna have a wild stab!

les <i></i>
G'day All,

It's been a while now since the Snotgurgle stuck it's nose up. The offer still stands.

I'll give it till sunday night then I'll post what the hell this thing is. It could even look like a member?

Regards Col <i></i>

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