Astor Metal Finishes Chrome Plating in Sydney
Mine was the first set of HMF's Ray had brought in and he underquoted on price. I picked the exhaust up from customs and had to pay a couple more dollars than Ray said to get them out. Customs made the mistake of giving me the actual invoice (not a dummy as planned) from the supplier and I could see that Ray made no profit at all on the deal.

Ray gave me a set of brake pads free to make up for the extra duty I paid, so he made no money on the pipes and then gave me pads for free because I paid a couple of dollars more than prommised.

Integrity - standing behind your word and your product is rare.

He's either a good bloke or an idiot, probably a combination of the two. Bruce
N2O no laughing matter
Oh and did I mention that he is queerer than George Michaels so if you drop your wallet kick it to Windsor before you bend to pick it up

N2O no laughing matter
Just wait till u get back here,,,, SWEETHEART... I'll scratch your fuggen eyes out. And no more tips how to launch. Cheers,
It's great to know that with friends and members such as these two on the board, that we don't need ENEMAS....

Both really nice guys.


I'm not using it anyway!<i></i>
Quote:if you drop your wallet kick it to Windsor before you bend to pick it up

I'd keep kickin' that wallet... Simmo hangs around Windsor...

"sometimes crime does pay"<i></i>
so that was you walk'n into ''BUTS ARE US '' last week kawa. you seek bastard <i></i>
AH I lost my chance to get rid of Mexhanx at the Gp,next year then ... And dont forget to wear your chastity belt,there's some weird bastards down there. Cheers,
Quote:I'd keep kickin' that wallet... Simmo hangs around Windsor..
See you on Sat chum

Cheers Robert
Aren't all Busas Copper & Plated, the others are just all very poor slow ugly copies !!!!!<i></i>
Bloody thread Hi jackers. Cheers,
How are you going with the Bling parts Graham
Cheers Robert
Aren't all Busas Copper & Plated, the others are just all very poor slow ugly copies !!!!!<i></i>
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Spit it out throwdown
Cheers Robert
Aren't all Busas Copper & Plated, the others are just all very poor slow ugly copies !!!!!<i></i>
The bling parts are with Loverustler. I will probably send some of the bits that I have polished already just to make progress.

At least I still have Kathys GS500 to bling now. Bring on the doof doof boy mesh for the holes in the fairings and the polished rims to get started. (Might send Kathy off to her learners course on the busa just to see the instructors faces.
Your new avatar is an amazing shot of Simmo saying "why, why, why?" when he noticed his bike was brown!

GS500F!!! Woo hoo. Go Kathy!
(You know they won't let her do the course on the Busa, don't you?)

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