Air Filter
Bear, take not of that new OEM filter on my ebay tips in general disc. <i></i>
I just checked the standard filter next to my new k&n filter.The stock filter has 58 pleats and the K&N has 74 pleats.Hence has a 27.5% greater filtering area.Hope this helps confuse everyone. <i></i>
Bear if thats full power fuelling then would be very concerned as it's way to lean in the area marked, (14% + suitable for idle only) and this is the area you will most use on the bike 80 / 120 kph and also 13% (higher in the REV range on a hot day for extended periods will be lets say iffy at best . I'd plus five the whole map and then richen the bottom end even more under 120kph as marked. A little extra fuel is a lot cheaper and safer than a motor rebuild.
Also airbox is 4Hp across the board basically and the cheapest Hp for dollar you will get and thats power to the tar not just dyno power Spaman
Quote:Hence has a 27.5% greater filtering area

But is the stock air filter 27.5 % restricting therefore >>>

Considering you have spent the money on both a Power Commander and Dyno time Bear's pretty poor fueling and could certianly get better with just a Yosh box alone. In short to lean.
FF1 <i>Edited by: fasterfaster1 at: 27/7/06 2:42 pm
FF!, really appreciate the feedback. I've had trouble downloading the map as the USB plug didn't seem to want to, but I've now been advised it clicks in quite firm, so I'll have another go this weekend.
I'll make the changes you suggest, as I agree fully, petrol is cheap considering the few kms I do.
I think I will do the airbox mod as well, although maybe just stick to OEM filters. Is the airbox worth another few % richening on it's own? <i></i>
Good on you Pete very generous of you to provide this sort of info for free. Bruce
N2O no laughing matter
Not a prob and thanks Bruce
Bear no matter what you do always one should have mapping changes checked as without a reading it's always only a guess. I thought they had built a map for you ?
If power commander won't talk to your software, make sure you have a map loaded allready in software ?
hey Maj
FF1 <i></i>
Thanks FF1. I found the problem. The bloody USB wouldn't plug in properly and I was afraid to push too hard. Anyway, plugged OK now and just waiting for the ancient PC to arc up. I'm doing this on a MAC but of course, PCIIIs don't work with MACs do they?
I can't afford too many runs, so as soon as the map is up, I'll save it as a couple of files, and then modify one as per your suggestions. And I say again, thanks for feedback!
I have a track day coming up in two weeks, and I don't have too many road days, so it should be fine.
Is it worth publishing both the original map that produced the dyno run and the modified one? Should the club start a file to log these maps so we can all benefit? <i></i>
I can open a map, but without the PCBiii plugged in, you can't use the TRIM CYLINDER feature. Is this normal? I've saved three maps so I can play with one off line (ie not plugged in to the unit) but doesn't seem to want to play. <i></i>
Well, it seems to have worked.
Did a 5% + and saved it, sent it and the bike started, can't be all that bad.
Noticed though that when I did a 5$ the map numbers didn't change. Is this normal? What do the numbers represent on the map? % increases? <i></i>

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