Hayabusa Jackets, Vests and Racing Caps
Orsm Brad. I'm wrapped that it is up to spec. I have been working really hard on the various lines and saved every penny I could without starving. With those bucks, I bought Hayabusa.com.au and have asked Dean (Doohan) in to help me ramp up. It ain't an easy task for dummies like me (particularly on the accounting and security side of the house), but I will get it there and offer things that have never been seen before around these parts. (At least, not in one spot). Take a look at the mess over there if you have a spare second. Between now and xmas it should really start taking shape. It will work out good for us all I hope in discounts, product range and service speed. (particularly from countries that usually shaft us). Tobin has decieded to support us unreservedly since TC is his largest single customer (thank to you guys). Rumble in Canada has now listed us as their primary non continetial business partner (including buying in from us). All that can mean is a step in the right direction for custom motorcycling in Australia and I would like to thank all the guys and ladies here for supporting me as I found my feet and occasionallly stumbled. I have a long way to go, but I have a good feeling. I'm looking forward to Jindy like no other weekend in my life. I need to put a face to the names. I can honestly say that this forum has changed the direction of my future. I had no idea what I was going to do when I retire from the Army in a few years. No I know for sure. Bloody good feeling that. Thanks again guys.


(Probably not the response you were expecting Brad, but I felt like getting it off my chest).

One more thing, I was on my way home from work just before midnight and i came across an accident between a car and a bike. They both knew each other and were hamming it up. Big stack. Heaps of cars went around and only one lady came out of her house. His mate was in shock, so did a bit of first aid. He was pretty hurt. He wouldn't let me call an ambulance because they had been drinking. Eventually got him into his mates car and off to the hospital (with a bullshit cover story I imagine). His outcome was two broken legs, a broken arm and a lot of blood. He and his mate were only youngsters but it could have been a lot worse for them both. Talk to your mates about drinking and riding. Just can't do it, period.

thx glenn got the bling cap today looks great. cheers. <i></i>
Hey Glen, Can I have a black / silver cap. Pls pm me with how to pay, cheers, BBB. (Martin) <i></i>
PM Sent Marty. <i></i>
Glen - I'll go for the black n gold, payment sent and pm to confirm, cheers mate, BBB <i></i>
sorry for the delay in responding, hat arrived i its fantastic quality, cheers. If you can get then in white or blue and silver, I take them as well. Cheers. Martin <i></i>
G'day Glenn I would like to get hold of one of the red hats if you still have any please email details to bicko@dodo.com.au

cherrs bicko this how I dance <i></i>
Thank you Martin. Keep an eye out on our brand spanker website - hayabusa.com.au - I have a whole bunch of clothing to go on there. I am still after one more contract (which is icon) and that end is sorted. I admit that much of my clothes has bugger all to do with riding but they got to go somewhere, so the clothes section it is. Heaps of hats, heaps and heaps. Lots of styles and all. I have to think up a clever way to put a discount for the club members. I think electronic coupons may work. I can certainly do it if you are a site member. I can plug in a discount on your profile. Once again, a big cheers to Doohan for helping me out with the techno stuff.

Glen. <i></i>
Hi Glenn
I'm after a red cap Could you email your payment details to braddo@iinet.net.au, once again as I have misplaced those details.
thank you

"May the fleas of a thousand camels infest the crotch of the person who screws up your day, and may their arms be too short to scratch."

email sent Brad, got ya covered. <i></i>
Hi Glen
deposited money to your account via the internet banking
Thank you

"May the fleas of a thousand camels infest the crotch of the person who screws up your day, and may their arms be too short to scratch."

No probs Brad, it went your way this morning. <i></i>
Hi Glen
Got the Cap today

Thank You BRADDO
"May the fleas of a thousand camels infest the crotch of the person who screws up your day, and may their arms be too short to scratch."

Hi blokes. I have made some new hats for the new year. Note that I have a new blue hat. They passed the quality control. Sent the lad to school with one on. He said it got a bit hot but it has been pretty tropical today. He still has it on at 1030 at night so i think we can tick its box. They cost a bit more this year but at 15 beans and 4.50 post and handling it is still the cheapest good hat around.

I my attempts to piss everyone (including myself) off, I have whacked a live chat interface on the www.hayabusa.com.au/ shop. It is mainly for asking questions and what not about bits and pieces. The way I see it, a lot of you guys ask questions about things and I answer and so forth until you are out of pms. Thought it might save you that pain. Who knows, you may want to talk to someone else that night as well.

Glen <i></i>

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