What's with 3rd party?
I'm looking at getting 3rd Party insurance, I noticed that Peter Altas is under 25 as well, has 3rd party but it doesn't cover you if you have the accident.. wtf?

I was under the impression that 3rd party property covers damage that you incur on someone elses vehicle. From the sound of what Peter has got, if you actually cause the damage, stiff, it doesn't help to have it..?

Has anyone else got 3rd party? I remember getting a quote of like $1800 from Swann for 3rd party fire and theft, but all I want is 3rd party property including if I get myself into an accident. Am I dreaming? [oh, preferably under $500, and I'm still under 25 and lost my licence.].

you're in a world of hurt Jon...for car insurance I had to go with just cars bc of a licence suspension 4yrs ago. After 5yrs your pretty much right but it's a long time to wait. I got a laugh out of just cars when I asked if they insure bikes

I still get bike insurance declined and I'm over 25 and been clean for 4yrs! I know of people that have neglected to mention fines / disquals and got away with claims but if they click you do your premium and still have to pay...

re: RACV 3rd party it sounds like they've sold ice to eskimos...and they only do full comp >750 if you've had bike insurance for at least a year with someone else

insurance companys!! was quoted $4000 on a TLR once... <i></i>
I am sure you are correct, slong. Third party covers the damage you do to a third party, but your own vehicle is your risk. If it is the other person's fault, then they have to pay, so it doesn't matter if you are insured or not. <i></i>
The idea of third party property is it is supposed to cover your arse if you slam into,say a merc or something and its your fault,so it doesnt leave you bankrupt after paying for his/her car.It is spose to be cheaper than full comp. <i></i>
Sorry for the confusion. 3rd party will cover any damage you cause, except for your vehicle.

I know someone who sideswiped 3 cars in melbourne (one of which was a merc) and did something like 60-70 grand damage. 3rd party covers you for up to 20 million damage.

I just can't see the point in paying over $3000 for full comp insurance when I more than likely won't cause an accident.

Although if you go by the gov's stats of for every 5 kays over the limit your risk doubles, I must be at a very high risk
Peter Altas
I was riding without insurance because I got fed up with the stupidly high premiums for someone who is not young and accident free in 'ahem' years.

But what with doing 6600km every month I was swayed by the argument on this board that I might hit a Porche rather than a '87 Ford.

At $180ish, it's money well spent. If you hit a car that has pulled out in front of you while you have been filtering through traffic, it'll be your fault.

Even in the UK where filtering is half accepted, the insurance company has a 80%:20% split in attributed blame with the biker getting the 80% of course.:"> <i></i>
You've also got to wonder at some of the conclusions in recent accidents involving bikes. Seems the bikey is at fault pretty much all of the time!:"> -385-
At least 75%, they are saying - but that is probably based on the fact that in a single vehicle accident, they will say that vehicle is at fault... I suppose, even if caused by an external factor, that it is... <i></i>

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