Hayabusa Insurance Premiums
Insurance prices really suck but the busa is one bike that I could not repair economically if dropped. Thus, you pay your money and hopefully get your cover. I am with swann, over 25 (unfortunately *sigh*) and have no rating. Yep, last time I had something insured was over 5 years ago. The price...$2494 for Y2K (17500 agreed).
Western QBE was nearly the same but didn't have pay by the month. Oh yes, the bike is paid off, ie no finance, and my driving record is suprisingly clean. <i></i>
I'm with Western QBE and they were the cheapest by far for the Bandit. I'm paying $1 300 per year with a 50% no claim bonus and a clean(ish) riding record.

After I paid my money I found out about New England Insurance. They quoted me $720 per year. I spoke to a guy who is insured with them and had to make a claim, he said they were incredibly helpful and there was no hassle.

I'm going with them next year.

HEIDI xxx <i></i>
Can't remember exactly, but in the order of $800 with Swann (rating 1). I have heard a rumour that a new classification is to be established to include beasts such as the Hayabusa, and that will push premiums up. Will shop around when policy is due for renewal.

It is worth saying here that for some insurance companies, premiums can be affected by where you live. State to state can see big differences. Even neighbouring suburbs can see different premiums. (But I don't know which companies do take location into account).

I haven't heard of New England Insurance, and RACV always seem to be the most expensive for bike insurance. I have heard that RACV will cover you on the track, though, while under instruction. If true, it could be worth the extra money. <i></i>
Swann just sent me my renewal. Rating 1, fully owned and WELL over 25. $960!!! <i></i>
Just had my 'Busa insured (fully comprehensive) though Western QBE for $688 pa.

They asked me a tonne of questions but in the end I think I got a reasonable deal. The following are some of the details I had to provide during the 'third degree' to enable them to determine my risk profile:

Age - 33
No claim bonus? - 60%
Convictions - Nope (not yet anyway!)
Sum Agreed Value - $15,000
Excess - $500
Used as a commute? - Nope (I'm a weekend wussy only)
Who rides? - Me only, keep your cotton pickin' fingers off it!
Expected annual kilometres - less than 8000. <i></i>
Wonder what the diff is? Might be the 8 000kms a year. My stats are quite similar apart from the kms and daily riding, but I am paying more than twice that a year with the same company.


SURELY they can't think a GIRL on a bus would be a worse risk than a 33 year old GUY! <i></i>

My guess is that the insurance companies frequently read this web-site and have adjusted your risk rating based on advice you've posted to new comer 'Busa riders in the past (eg: burning off WRX's & HSV's at the traffic lights LOL!!!!!)

In all seriousness - if you're an every day rider, I think that really increases the risk and therefore the premium (ie: I'm out there amongst the dickheads for only 2/7th's of the time you are).

I note that you were pretty unspecific about your age?!? HaHa!


And living in Canberra, with pollies on the road and all... they probably think Canberrans might go out of their way to collect one if they can <i></i>
I got quoted on NRMA for a $18000 Thou bike.. riding for 15 years no speeding offences no loss of licence 60% no claim bonus and they want over $1800 per anum ....
It does not drop by much per year......
I would think about joining swan cause a friend of mine had a bad experience with them...People claim they have a hard time getting a refund on their premiums all because they sold their cars ? ??
I was with swann, they wanted $808.00 to renew my policy so I shopped around a little, decided to go with I C Frith as they were $467.00 so it pays to shop around alittle... <i></i>
Humm cheaper than my premium with Frith's, have you included brokerage, stamp duty and gst that they like to pile on? my premium is based on $18,000 sum insured taking into account the extra cost of Akropovic pipes. Oh this was in November last, maybe the prices went up since your policy too. <i></i>
My premium was paid Dec, but its probably cheaper because I live in a smaller town than Melbourne as premiums are normally a little cheaper...mine has Yoshimura pipes and also $18,000 value <i></i>
OK, I cannot go with Frith cause of my age. Swann have bumped up my renewal by about $200 (over $1000) Western at around $900, and RACV at $1476. Heidi, you mentioned New England Insurance - I cannot find them in the Melbourne White Pages - are they a NSW/ACT only, or something like that, or under a different name? <i></i>

I'm not insured...never have been in 20 years.

paulh <i></i>
Way to go Paul! You rock :)

I'm with AAMI ('cos she's so cute ;))

60% / over 40 it's $1k per year for Sydney CBD area - I'll be checking the other companies listed here though now ... <i></i>

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