"Sydney Chat Thread, all Welcome"
Darryl, that's "Strike Two" for you buddy. One more and "the gloves come off"... so far we're being nice...

Simmo, I will talk to you further when I have my parts back off you. Until then you have my utmost respect... and copper bikes rule, etc...
Damn you pink riders are so touchy.....

Must be a feminine thing
Sometimes.... lurking is the safest thing to do....

Just send out for more popcorn and hope no-one notices you...

The older I get, the better I was. Regards.... Rob
Quote:f*** off slow boy.
N2O no laughing matter
I'll see you on the 6th of Aug
It's going to be a slow old trip back west knowing you got done by a slow old Copper one
ps have removed the hugger made up new dog bones and sitting real low ... good for a couple more 10ths

Cheers Robert
Aren't all Busas Copper & Plated, the others are just all poor slow copies !!!!!
Listen copper bling boys, this is supposed to be a not bike related chat thread.

Oh! Thats right we're talkin sun dried Apricots here...

While I'm at it, I'll now refer to the purple bling club as the Prunes and the better Red team as the Hot Chillies.


I'm not using it anyway!
Quote:I'll now refer to the purple bling club as the Prunes and the better Red team as the Hot Chillies

Is that because they both give ya the shits
Yep, my daily diet includes dried apricots, prunes, chillies and baked beans for good measure..

I'm firing on all four cylinders..


I'm not using it anyway!
Hey... this Darryl character is good value ! Keep it up mate

The older I get, the better I was. Regards.... Rob
So... Busgo.... what you're saying is .... except for the Blue/Silvers.... everybody else is either a fruit or a vegetable ??

Oh.... the popcorn is flowing freely this week !

Oh... that reminds me. You ever bring your locksmith tools down to Sydney. I'm thinking about changing my locks. Do you give members a discount ? The older I get, the better I was. Regards.... Rob
Quote:Is that because they both give ya the shits

Quote:bring your locksmith tools down to Sydney Given too many keys out again Astro you best just put in a revolving door in me-thinks
Cheers Robert
Aren't all Busas Copper & Plated, the others are just all very poor slow copies !!!!!
Let me know if Busgo cant make it and I'll do it for the cost of parts, you are looking at about $20.00 or so per cylinder plus beer.
Gotta be by Saturday week tho mate Bruce
N2O no laughing matter
Edited by: Blackzook at: 27/7/06 8:17 pm
Err... you'd be pretty close there simmo.

p.s. - thanks for trying to build me a killer reputation, but its not justified. . You have to remember simmo... I'm old and grey. We old people have to act our age. The older I get, the better I was. Regards.... Rob
I would love to help out with the doors Astro, but all the tools of the trade are in the company vans. - I don't work weekends.

Lets see, call out fee to Sydney from Raymond Terrace, $250 plus $1 per minute labour, might be better at Bruce's rates.

P.S. I didn't mention the Blue/Silver bling code because I couldn't think of a suitable item of easily digestable food to match the scheme, but I reckon now that "LEMONAIDE" fits the bill..

Anyone else feel left out?

Us black/Silvers are always gettin left out, Is that cause, cause you all know when you've been beaten and choose to live in blissful ignorance??

Bruce... thanks for the offer mate, but I had to attend to that item today. Problem solved for now. Busgo.... only been a couple of months mate and you charge like a bloody veteran tradesperson already ! Didn't take long. Thanks to you as well. You getting much riding in these days Ray ?

Blue / Silvers could be confused with Blueberries. Better than lemonade.

The older I get, the better I was. Regards.... Rob

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