Does anyone have any of his songs...maybe a greatist hits album??...very hard to find.
Maybe in mp3 format that you could send maybe via msn or icq???
Help...need it for a gig.. Cheers,
Z Web World
Sound ya horn when
going past a manned speed camera.
Let's all give them a protest blast!
You can make a difference!
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Dj... I just had a look on WinMX... there were only "Ya, Ya" and "Going Home". I'll put them on my d/l queue and let you know when they're ready. The older I get, the better I was. Regards.... Rob (Astro)
Pete I am downloading 7 songs for you but have no idea when they will download when do you need them by? Regards Bill
Busa's Rule On The Rest
Appreciate that guys.
The gig is a month away so don't panic.
They come up on Kazaa Lite but don't dload. I have had this prob before with Normie so gave up last time.
Finally got Shakin All Over last night so that is the main one...should get by...
It ain't neccesarilly so was another and que sera sera but only if you have, otherwise I'm ok now.
Astro I don't use Winmx but can always install it to grab yours.
But it may be easier just to send em via msn or icq (if u know what i mean... )
Pete.... I'll look for the ones you mentioned. The ones I talked about above have not downloaded yet... must have gone offline. I've always got WMX running so its no probs to keep looking if you want these songs. The older I get, the better I was. Regards.... Rob (Astro)
appreciate that Rob Cheers,
Z Web World
Sound ya horn when
going past a manned speed camera.
Let's all give them a protest blast!
You can make a difference!
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hey pretty quick.
i knew this board would be good for something!
1000 thanks Bill, owe u one.
Still like to know where you got em...
Thanks Astro too... Cheers,
Z Web World
Sound ya horn when
going past a manned speed camera.
Let's all give them a protest blast!
You can make a difference!
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Sounds like you've got his entire repetoire there DJ.
Normie's only other hit was Bruce Ruxton I think.
good one Busgo.
yeah, shit remember that hey!
Z Web World
Sound ya horn when
going past a manned speed camera.
Let's all give them a protest blast!
You can make a difference!
More Info
Nah not Bruce, it was Ron Casey
Yeah I think he did Kawa, I was laughing for days after
I stand corrected.
Hit man Casey.
That's right, on the MidDay Show.