why no new threads?
Stuck at sea with no access to FB thanks to corporate net-nanny. Denied access to basic communication?
I'm still here, although I have gone to the Dark side, lol, hopefully only for a while, got a Honda, it was cheap.
Im still hear,
but I dont bother posting up

ride dayz any more

Cause if its wet day-

pussies are a no show

( When i do go out riding leavin @10am
Waitin for everyone else
& gotta be back by 2pm sucks - f*ck that shit )

I leave early & come home b4 sundown
Just lately i havnt been riding with any busa riders..

Theres none around.
dont forget we've been around almost 16 years, not much we havent already discussed. have a question best a quick search first then ask away if you still feel the desire to. we wont flame you.

so when is Gen.3 out?...that new kwaka due out H2 thats gotta be something. time suzi went back to the drawing board like yammis V-Max.
[Image: SigPic100.jpg] Copper/Silver - The original, the rest are just copies.
(16-02-2015, 09:43pm)RYDRZ Wrote: Just lately i havnt been riding with any busa riders..
Theres none around.

Move to WA. There's heaps!
Even better ride there

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