Maybe the fair people of Queensland should demand the return of the Upper House?

Or would that just mean more politicians?
All it does is go to show that this Democracy thing is nothing but a load of B/S that is fed to the masses to keep them compliant! We may vote in some of them but once they are in they will do as they please!,

Remember people our TAX money's pay for our own persecution!
Without pushing back we have allowed this among other things to happen.Eek

Anytime I ride the Busa or the Harley, our public servantsPolice give me looks that sugest they are not entirely happy that I'm there
And wish I was doing something wrong! I just smile and wave (as if I'm a bit simpleIdiot2), then continue on my law abiding way!
Her job is to Bitch!
Mine is to give her reasonYes

(29-07-2014, 06:49pm)Corpsedealer Wrote: All it does is go to show that this Democracy thing is nothing but a load of B/S that is fed to the masses to keep them compliant! We may vote in some of them but once they are in they will do as they please!,

Remember people our TAX money's pay for our own persecution!
Without pushing back we have allowed this among other things to happen.Eek

Anytime I ride the Busa or the Harley, our public servantsPolice give me looks that sugest they are not entirely happy that I'm there
And wish I was doing something wrong! I just smile and wave (as if I'm a bit simpleIdiot2), then continue on my law abiding way!

yeah I'm at a point I have not one once of respect for any of the boy's in blue, they have it in for me because I wont back down from them (and never will either f***'em) they want to peg me for an "outlaw", fine, I don't give a rat's arse what they think anyway, I am sure as shit over the whole every blue or black bike they see going quick in mackay (that they don't stop) they(2 car loads) come see me, and want to check my bike to see how hot it is. no wonder people snap Knuppel2
Sounds like I will be having fun when I move up that way Butch...
spent my late teens playing with Outlaws, 20/21 with Satan Riders and up to mid 20's hanging with Rebels LOL
Never joined but was known to be involved
BATFINK (aka Tony)


GOD gave us a mind to use.........

Suzuki gives us a reason to loose it!!!!
(29-07-2014, 08:15pm)Butch77 Wrote: I am sure as shit over the whole every blue or black bike they see going quick in mackay (that they don't stop) they(2 car loads) come see me, and want to check my bike to see how hot it is. no wonder people snap Knuppel2

I worked in the bike trade in Mackay in the 70's and 80's. Sounds like Qld is returning to the old Jo Bjelke days. I was verballed many times and rejoiced when the Fitzgerald inquiry went through the police and pollies like a dose of salts. It was inspiring to see the police commissioner go to jail. Gave me faith in the democratic process. What's that saying about history? ah yeah...

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it".

Maybe Mr Newman should have a look at Qld's relatively recent history.
(28-07-2014, 03:58pm)Butch77 Wrote:
(28-07-2014, 03:35pm)tomrux Wrote: try again Batty
All you need to do to be labelled is have anything to do with a member of a declared organisation. eg I have had tattoos done by members of the rebels working in a parlour at the Sunshine Coast and I have had another member do some earth moving work for me.
That is all the evidence they need and even then they don't have to tell you what evidence they have. your guilty and that's it. how can you disprove what you don't know.

Tom R
I went to school with a couple 20 years ago(20 years ago I didn't and i gess they didn't know they would become members) , but as it turns out my ex called the police and told them I was one and that was all the proof they decided they needed

Hey mate, Disregard that offer to meet up for a ride, I have something on.....Roll
[Image: fc9450cb-86fb-4774-a1ac-5a6bb7a02823.jpg]
Unfortunately I belive that we will be putting up with this kind of
persecution for a while to come. The UMC with their ONE LAW ONE NATION catch cry are a great start to getting things straight in OUR country.

For one thing most of the trouble I have seen started is generally by clubs! SPORTING CLUBS!!!! Football and Cricket clubs (I've seen some doosie figts started by them).

I say support anyone who is trying to set the record straight about the diferencce between BIKE RIDERS and OUTLAWS/CRIMINALS.

MOST Riders I know are ruff'n'tumble blokes! NOT CRIM'S. Whoops so are most of the people I hang with that don't ride.

As for tattoo's the Minister of War and Finance is a clean skin WE with tat's should be persecuting her for being non-conformist!!!!!
Her job is to Bitch!
Mine is to give her reasonYes

(30-07-2014, 05:38pm)Zrex1200 Wrote:
(28-07-2014, 03:58pm)Butch77 Wrote:
(28-07-2014, 03:35pm)tomrux Wrote: try again Batty
All you need to do to be labelled is have anything to do with a member of a declared organisation. eg I have had tattoos done by members of the rebels working in a parlour at the Sunshine Coast and I have had another member do some earth moving work for me.
That is all the evidence they need and even then they don't have to tell you what evidence they have. your guilty and that's it. how can you disprove what you don't know.

Tom R
I went to school with a couple 20 years ago(20 years ago I didn't and i gess they didn't know they would become members) , but as it turns out my ex called the police and told them I was one and that was all the proof they decided they needed

Hey mate, Disregard that offer to meet up for a ride, I have something on.....Roll
hahahahaha damn I get that a lot Lol2
(27-07-2014, 06:59pm)Butch77 Wrote: so I've been put on the outlaw biker list without ever being a member of an outlaw club, unless there is something I should know about this club Coolsmiley (just joking)
so now every time I get pulled up for a random breath test or such I get searched and my car or bike gone through,
so fist thing queensland police this is for you Showback
second thing has anyone else had these drama's, (not because of the Busa club, just in general)
and thirdly how can I get a club shirt and some club patches just to keep them guessing
Gents quick reality check here, under the current laws (all states) the most they can do with out proof of a criminal act is stuff you around. Be polite, play the game and get on with it, in some ways this is no different to the same laws passed against the Communist Party Members in the 50's and in my opinion will last about as long. Be cool, cooperate and support the various groups trying to bring balance and fair play back to law.
Ego vero custos fratris mei sum

Thanks for finding that and posting Homer I does go to show that Australian Gov's are trying to chain down the public they are
suposed to work for!
Her job is to Bitch!
Mine is to give her reasonYes

First I would like to say that I am NOT a supporter of these laws and I feel they are Draconian at the least, dictatorship at the worse BUT......

Why is it only the Government that is being blasted for whats agreed is an over reaction?

I see what they are trying to combated is domestic terrorism where a group of promoted associates proudly, and loudly, defy our laws, endanger the public and seek to profit from crime and fear. The action of some of members in these groups is absolutely NOT acceptable and should be dealt with prejudiced.

On a whole I have always found "bikie" gangs a good bunch of blokes, that while might tread a fine line between legal and illegal, which are proud to be apart of the community. And these are the people getting screwed over by the new laws. But then they are also the people that has allowed a minority of their own chapters to develop into a cancerous blight on our community forcing a very large knee jerk reaction by our Governments.

Yes hate the new laws and complain about them every chance you can, just remember the next tiem you are sitting at an airport, or having a coffee at a street cafe..... do you want you or your family to be shot because a group of arguing idiots think they are above the law??????
BATFINK (aka Tony)


GOD gave us a mind to use.........

Suzuki gives us a reason to loose it!!!!
(04-08-2014, 09:35am)Batfink Wrote: First I would like to say that I am NOT a supporter of these laws and I feel they are Draconian at the least, dictatorship at the worse BUT......

*and even the judiciary is standing aloof from latest appointments*

Why is it only the Government that is being blasted for whats agreed is an over reaction?

*Well that would be because the government enacted the legislation.*

I see what they are trying to combated is domestic terrorism where a group of promoted associates proudly, and loudly, defy our laws, endanger the public and seek to profit from crime and fear. The action of some of members in these groups is absolutely NOT acceptable and should be dealt with prejudiced.

*And are there not laws that deal with criminals?*

On a whole I have always found "bikie" gangs a good bunch of blokes, that while might tread a fine line between legal and illegal, which are proud to be apart of the community. And these are the people getting screwed over by the new laws. But then they are also the people that has allowed a minority of their own chapters to develop into a cancerous blight on our community forcing a very large knee jerk reaction by our Governments.

Yes hate the new laws and complain about them every chance you can, just remember the next tiem you are sitting at an airport, or having a coffee at a street cafe..... do you want you or your family to be shot because a group of arguing idiots think they are above the law??????
no law was able to deal directly with domestic terrorism... our laws are there to handle individuals

how would we react if it was shown that a Muslim sect was involved with violence and murder on the streets, wholesale gun, drug and human trafficking, blatant disregard for our laws and a general anti community attitude?
BATFINK (aka Tony)


GOD gave us a mind to use.........

Suzuki gives us a reason to loose it!!!!
I actually agree whole heartedly with what you have said Mr Batfink, But I also ask this and please anyone rebuff,
Dont we already have enough laws to combat this blight on society?
Why arent the laws we have being used to their full effect?
And last but not least- Are the punishments for those laws effective as deterants?

We all want a certain freedom in life, We must be willing to pay for those freedom's, not with more laws and less freedoms but with full and measured punishments.
Her job is to Bitch!
Mine is to give her reasonYes


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