Pirelli Diablo (CRAP)
I've had a Pirelli Diablo as my rear boot for 3000 km now and am not impressed! Bold statement? I'll temper it by saying I thought they were damn good for the first 1500 km.

I doubt I'll get more than 6000km out of it in total and since my last topic on these tyres (Tyre too hot?) they have not stopped slipping. About every third or fourth take off I find myslef fish tailing for 10 m up the road. Corners are also seeing some fish action. Confidence is at zero on these bad boys.

My previous tyre was a Bridgestone 012 Battlax. To compare them the 012 had more grip and lasted me 8000 km (including a track day). <i></i>
i couldnt agree more... i have become an aggressive rider esp after the first 2,000 kms on these tyres but... now keeps slipping i've done 3,000 kms on them .. and forget the cost i'm changing them ... any suggestions ?? <i></i>
I had them on my bike, one track day a trip to QLD with a pillion and gear, its ratshit now 5000 klms I have put on reinesport for a change and track day but I will be going to Mitchelin HPX after this goes. <i></i>
Ya shoulda got the Diablo "Corsa" Resac. Better than just the Diablo. Nothing wrong with rear HPXs. Great tyre, more comfortable to tour and to do the odd latte ride. (A bit harder to tip in due to the extra width. Even though they are both 190. WTF) The Diablo Corsa is a harsher ride due to the stiffer walls etc... Ya want sticky get the Super Corsa. Even Bigshow has trouble trying to get it to break loose around PI.
I'm coming up to the 6th rear tyre on this 02 model. Price will play a bit part next time around. If there is still about a $50 to $60 difference between the Corsa and the HPX. I'll settle for the cheaper HPX. I averaged 10,000 kls each out of the last 3, gotta be happy with that! (Prolly get around 7500 klms out of the Corsa) Better than the Brigestone IMHO.
But this subject is really personal choice to suit individual riding styles. (And whether you commute or just scratch)
Life, as in riding is a compromise.
Cheers, Phil. Riding not talking. <i></i>
You hit the nail on the head GDYUP, The weather is also contributing to the demise in ur tyre life. :">

You can have alot of fun getting the arse sliding around if that's ur thing, it's good to practice different techniques. The more u adapt to different riding situations , the greater ur skill level will improve.

Well that's the way i see it.

Riding and looking 4 a new challenge. <i></i>
The only sticking I'm going to do with the Diablo's is sticking with them 'til they're rooted (need money for a service and double bubble screen(what was your brand Rev and GDY?)). By that time the front should be completely shot and (if I haven't come off by then) I thought I'd stick with the Bridgies. Going to give the 012/020 combo a go (012 front, 020 rear). That should dry up any bike funds I have for the next few months, then it's project polish! (gotta luv the silver bus with polished wheels, mmmmmm SEX!) <i></i>
Deciding on the screen is nearly as hard as the tyres Resac.
Ron (Balls) sells his double bubble for a good price. Not to dark and great for the high speed runs. (Over 280 klms. Track ride of course) I sold the one I had to a Sydney rider and bought the Powerbronze dark tint. Looks great, thicker plastic. (Gary at Checkered Flag, or Rodney at Road Rocket) Down side is with a tinted viser along with the screen tint it's hard to see right up the track for high speed runs. (Lighter tint would be more suitable) I use the Zero Gravity Sports Touring most of the time. Best touring screen, stops the wind blast and the cold air on the chest in winter. I swap them around all the time. Powerbronze for latte rides, Zero Gravity cross country commuting. It's that easy!
Catch up with you tomorrow maybe?
Cheers, Phil. Your Car is Very Boring. <i></i>
Shit don't tell me that , just bought 2 rear diablo & 1 corsa for the front , only have the rear one fitted so far under 1000kms on it & sticks like shit to a blanket so far i thought it was the best thing since sliced bread, i was only getting 3500kms out of the bridgies 012, i guess you can't have it all .
Regards Robert (Powersliding around the moutains when he comes!) <i></i>
Lucky I read here every now and then, was just about to put on the Diablo rear and Diablo Corsa front. Have had the Bridgy combos of 010f and 020r and is brilliant but thought I'd try something else. UMMM...errrr..... was booked in to get a set next week.....should I, shouldn't I, *uck...!!??

Might go the Metzlers which someone posted previously and gave them a awesome review.... <i></i>
Depending on the price, try the Diablo "Corsa's" back and front Aero. You will be happy. The (plain) "Diablo" is a touring tyre.
Done 10000 klms on the front Diablo Corsa. Sticks well and still has lots of tread. (The HPX front was shit and scrubbed out on the camber side under 8000 klms) Rear HPXs are great.
Figure that one out? WTF!
Ride safe, live long.
Cheers, Phil. <i></i>
Just ride what ur happy with, Iv'e seen ppl on road rubber outride ppl on slicks. makes no difference to the rider as long as he's happy and confident on his choice of rubber.

Following more good advice from Ron Balls, I've got Diablo COrsa's front and rear (like keeping matched sets). Feel excellent, heaps of confidence. Went well at Broadford and just seem to get better. They're wearing really well too (although I dont powerslide, mono or do rolling burnouts either).

Speaking of which, I'd love to learn. Anyone up for a few lessons?
Peter Altas
Hey Pete if ur ever up this part of town I'll give a few tips, as long as u pay for the rubber, we'll use my bike.....hehehe <i></i>
Jeez, the start of this topic was like a shit fight against Pirelli, but by the end I've found those people who love them have poked their head out like a BUSA mono-ing in traffic and say they kick-arse, like in the next "poll" topic!! Thanks guys, getting the new set fitted next week still!

Cheers (riding on Saturdays and weeknights as much as I can ) .........Peter <i></i>
I think what you say is true kama,a lot of this is in the head,especially on the road.Shit i run a bridgie 020 on the rear and can keep with most guys on there super soft sticky sportz things up the reefton,but hey if you feel you need one of those for the confidence,go for it,i just cant warrent getting 3000kms out of a tyre. <i></i>

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