the waiting.....
So for what I think is perhaps the third time in my life I at a court house and I waiting to see a judge. Judgedredd??? Why am I here.... well I logged an appeal against vic roads whom want to take my license for 6 months.

Today is a case of seeking it to be postponed. I am praying it does. I have been waiting for a voice recording of me contacting them. I got it 4:30 yesterday and havent been able to get a law type person to review and advise me....

It steams from a fine a year ago that I choose to take. But before doing so I contacted vic roads to ensure I could take those points as I did a double or nothing run for 12 months. Some how the fine got dated inside the dates of that run. Thats why a year later they wanna take it away.

Heres hoping its all going to be ok lol
i did finally contact the cop whom gave me the fine... he seemed shocked and is reviewing his notes to see what he can do for me.

But more than all that... I hate the waiting
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Good luck!!
I win! For now and till the 14th if Jan yay!!! But I know Ill win that too. ;-)

I sti hate waiting lol
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congrates Raz.. u go stick it to them mate
BATFINK (aka Tony)


GOD gave us a mind to use.........

Suzuki gives us a reason to loose it!!!!
Good on ya for fighting it Raz. Hope everything works to your favour. Pi_thumbsup
good onya stick it to them,but be weary they can be sore losers and hit you with other mind numbing s$@t just to be pricks.
oh they were not happpy thats for sure :p The vicroads rep seemed very pissed off and tried to tell the judge the reverse of what I had said to her. But I got my bit in there ;)

Either way I'll have that fine removed and when that happens all my efforts will be put in to moving to either Brissy or Sydney and having my license changed asap.

Its probly that one thing that kills it down here - is how the coppers are
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Did you subpeona the cop involved inf he seemed agreeable with your story? It's great questioing cops.
I will be doing that for the actual fine. The vicroads one he wasnt needed. ;-) always a good idea tho
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